Arthur Edens and His Bread

Yeah, I know I know, I just forgot. I'm culpable here.

"Richard, I just need to know one thing: did you keep a creepy scrapbook like you promised?"
"Hrm. Learned from the best."

I Am The One On Pins And Needles Out On The West Coast Who Got Spoiled By Some Clown On Facebook Who Apparently Is Flexible On The Issue Of Not Being A Douchenozzle

I think Eddie's devotion is good, old-fashioned pride. "It is important to me." In a show with so many shifting loyalties and half-measures, Eddie possesses an admirable sense of propriety.

"Mrs. Flannery?"
"Mr. O'Bannion wants his money. Oh dear, it seems I misread my list here. Um . . . Happy Anniversary. ACHOOO!!!!"

"Well, thanks for introducing me!"

"Didn't I?"

And then the sequence caps off with Homer's enthusiastic buffoonery. It's gold, I tell ya, absolute gold!

APPOMATTOX! 18 . . . 65.

I don't know what I love more, the fact that Dick Cavett voiced himself or his use of the word "churlish."

I once read a comment on this site - I can't remember which article or which commenter - that analyzed the essence of Homer Simpson using a single moment of this episode. Only Homer, the commenter wrote, is at one moronic and sociopathic enough to mentally transmogrify his dying co-workers into a pack of merry clowns.

*Mafia thugs clap approvingly*

Doctors say you should drink a glass and a half, but she just can't drink that much!


*jaunty circus music*

Liked both for the quote and for your Lobsters-esque capitalization.

The Curious Case of Lyndon Johnson

Hahaha, I now want to make a tradition of watching The Last King of Scotland on Christmas.


And shit . . . man!