Arthur Edens and His Bread

Remember when Extremely Convoluted & Incredibly Boring was nominated for Best Picture?

If I recall my time in the EU correctly, the Max Rebo Band actually has a pretty moving story. They all survive the Sail Barge explosion and go on to do various interesting things.

"Hey baby, wanna join the Twelve Parsec Club?"

Sigh, William H. Macy was robbed.

One more - the Irate Customer from Fargo.

It's not germane to this Q&A, but a Lebowski line I've gained new appreciation for is Walter's wounded and self-righteous "As if we would ever dream of taking your bullshit money!"

A touch of consumption!

Great call on Juan Trippe's use in The Aviator, Kevin. It's such a rich exclamation of surrender, and Baldwin delivers it perfectly. (And you're right, it's an underrated film, and Baldwin's very underrated in it.)

YES, I too am a great admirer of Ameche's delivery there. I can't describe why it's so perfect, but it is!

From The Ladykillers: J.K. Simmons's cheerful delivery of "Fuckin' A."

"Leave my kids fucking out of it. What have they done?"

And then the sounds of Schwartz's desperate pleas as his mother spanks him.

One of my favorites:

You need to go back, @avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus, and see the five Presidents they've added in the years since!

*tugs tie, laughs desperately at Mr. Iger's jokes*

When I was a nerdy 8-year-old, I dreamed of someday visiting the Hall of Presidents.

Hat, your comment somehow made me do a spit-take even though I wasn't drinking anything. Well done!

What about Chris Cooper and Margo Martindale?

I'm feeling pretty bummed about this, but then again, the complaints lodged against A:OC thus far are very similar to those leveled against Doubt five years ago, and I loved that film. I suspect I'll feel the same about this one come December.

I saw Salmon Fishing in the Yemen recently, and while it was very so-so, it was quite delightful to see Ewan get to play his natural Scottish self. He was charming, I tells ya!