Arthur Edens and His Bread

I'll see it too, and probably enjoy it, but gosh, one can't help but think of what might have been.

Say Burl, did you hear the news that Joe Dante might be making a Roger Corman biopic? Sounds tailor-made for you!

Raaaaaats, I had such high hopes for August: Osage County. I'm sure I'll still enjoy it very much, but I was hoping for a more faithful transfer from stage to screen.

Ted - "Skyler Enthusiast"
Tortuga - "Sky Mall Enthusiast"

Even better, it holds Futurama DVDs!

I like that Gus is billed as the "Chicken Enthusiast."

Even better - a slammer! That's the heavy metal disc that you use to, um . . .

That barrel will look very nice next to my Futurama Bender Head DVD case.

I'm rather late to this particular party, but how good it is to be back! It's great to see all the familiar faces in the show (especially dear Eddie, god bless him, as dependable ever) and here in the comments section.

I'm really hoping Winter & Co. will allow us to see that brick wall eventually. Bunch of teases, they are!

That whole shenanigan was rather clumsy, but it was worth it just so we could see the return of Passive-Aggressive Eddie Cantor.

It's a testament to Capone's persona and longevity that he handled that situation like he did. Rossetti, seeing his name spelled wrong in a newspaper, would have beat the reporter to death, rampaged through the office Charlie Kane-style, and then burned down a forest to prevent future newspaper errors.

Ha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognized him! I'm just watching it now and I almost clapped when I saw that familiar mug.

"An elephant who never forgets . . . to kill!"

Well, then, Cool Runnings lied to me. My innocence is gone!

Regarding Cranston as LBJ, from the recent issue of GQ:

Yes indeed! I have tickets for the end of the month. As a Clue fan, the idea of Michael McKean playing Hoover fills me with glee.

@eric827:disqus: Raising New Mexico

Walt Jr. was smiling at Saul like he was a giant bowl of breakfast cereal!

"Todd is Jesse with no loyalty, Gale with no aesthetics, Mike with no code."