Arthur Edens and His Bread


The jakes is occupied!

(Jesse takes away Gale's blanket)

Touche, @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus, you magnificent bastard!

When she says "they," she means "NASA," and when she says "ruined," she means "landed," and when she says "his life," she means "a lunar module on the moon."

That reminds me of one of my favorite details of Saul's wardrobe - he continues to wear the Wayfarer 515 memorial ribbon throughout the series.

I have the last episode of Season 5A to watch tonight. And yeah, you're right, WOW, YES, MAGNIFICENT!!! I haven't enjoyed a show this much in a long time.

The tail end of the necktie is longer in the first still, but shorter in the second still. Are we to believe that this is some sort of a magic necktie? Boy, I really hope someone got f-


As much as I love Bobby Cannavale, I ended up thinking that he didn't have enough to work with on Boardwalk Empire. He was excellent, of course, but that character could have been much better I think.

"Hello, Nicholas."

As frustrating as I find Modern Family's continued dominance, I nevertheless hope that Ed O'Neill finally wins an Emmy. He's been too great for too long, in comedies and dramas, to not have an award.

Surest thing: no Best Hairstyling for Breaking Bad. Because there's very little hair on that show, see.

Yeah, it's great to see Adam Driver get a nomination. Amazing performance.

I have to confess that I never finished Series One of The Hour, but the presence of Peter Capaldi in the show's second outing makes me think I'll need to finish it at some point.

(Benedict Cumberbatch leans over and purrs in your ear)

Mad Men deserves a costuming nod for Ted Chaough's bomber jacket alone, not to mention his turtlenecks!

You really got to hand it to Costar-Waldau. His Emmy snub has left me totally stumped!

Well, @avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus . . . have the lambs stopped nomming?

Stephen Root deserves a Guest Actor nod for Boardwalk Empire. The man stole every single scene he was in.