Arthur Edens and His Bread

MIKE!!! I am so thrilled about Jonathan Banks's nomination. Such a solid and indelible performance.

I guess I should admit that my knowledge and admiration for Mr. Okrent's work is confined to his efforts as an historian, not as a journalist. That said, I also find a lot of truth in "Okrent's Law" of journalistic balance.

One of my favorite things is watching Stanley Tucci do that thing where he squints and sort of bites his lip. You know that maneuver? I could watch him do that all day.

Thanks PET! I'm still working on my list of potential schools, but I imagine most of the "usual suspects" will be represented.

Those pictures made me barf.

That was the right move! I'm afraid my zeal exceeded my judgment.

What a coincidence, I'm still reading Lyndon Johnson and the Senate Chamber of Secrets! I'm at the climax now, in which LBJ discovers the courage he never knew he had (cause he's a blowhard sonofabitch) and, with his trusty, squeaky-voiced sidekick Hubert, fights the evil Basilisk that is racial injustice.

It means he's Thornton Mellon.

I refuse to believe that "Skip Hollandsworth" is a real person and not a character from Guys and Dolls.

Excellent comment/avatar synergy.

Are you by chance Juror No. 10 from Twelve Angry Men? That's who I think of whenever I hear about a summer cold.

AHAHAHA, I didn't even make the connection. You and @avclub-64ccb17a416ea74296b50e7699cf86ef:disqus will each receive a loaf of this delicious bread. Just be careful eating it!

I got Badlands, On the Waterfront, and The Great Dictator. I'm DONE now, do you understand? DONE. No more. Ok, Arthur? DONE.

Costco used to have these things, these cheese stick things, like mozzarella sticks sort of, but not breaded as much as . . . well, it was more like a bread stuffed with a cheese, and it came with this garlic sauce, and ohhhh my, you should have tried these stick things, Newton, there was something about them,

I saw Moon Hooch just a few weeks ago, opening for TMBG! They were pretty damned great!

I'm starting the FASHION THREAD? What a world!

I never got around to reading Common Ground, but I certainly will someday!

I once went to a restaurant that had LEGO pieces on the table that you could play with as you waited for your food. That seemed like a good idea, as long as they're maintained in a sanitary fashion, I suppose.

I'm still mad that Disqus messed with my account when I merged in order to comment at The Dissolve. I feel like some sort of unclickable pariah.

I'd like to make it clear that the "like" I gave your comment was in no way meant to endorse that damnable turn of events, but is instead awarded for your most enjoyable use of the phrase "not a goddamn tittle or jot."