Arthur Edens and His Bread

I really like Daniel Okrent. He and I have similar interests and outlooks, so whenever I see him pop up, I know I'm in for a treat. I have Ken Burns to thank for that.

Absolutely - my love of LEGO started at age 5 and as not abetted since. I can't wait to have kids so I can push them out of the way and build their LEGO sets for them cause they'll just end up doing it wrong anyway.


Congratulations! I'm sure your pedantry will be a great asset!

Heh, actually, that marching band season really made me like their music. "Come Sail Away" will forever have a special place in my heart.

Burl! Hello, Burl!

I still want to be a gumshoe because it's a fun word to say! I'll then take up spelunking.

I'm going to spend the rest of the day puzzling over whether Key West is considered part of the continental U.S.

One of the best decisions I made as I headed off to college was bringing along Oregon Trail II. I had four roommates - perfect size for a trail party. My best friend and I would play, and occasionally another roommate, we'll call him Orson, would come and watch. So whenever Orson's in-game character got sick, we

So it goes.

Man oh man, how little me wanted to do that final obstacle course. Heck, I still do!

"Hey, you wanna go for a crawl?"
"No thanks."
"No thanks? What does that mean?"
"I don't wanna go."
"Go where?"
"For a crawl."
"A crawl! Now that's a good idea!"

Thanks @avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus! The stadium - and the view - both look gorgeous, so I'm very excited indeed to take in a game there.

(inhales nitrous oxide)

And don't forget Mr. Giamatti, who looks like something out of a Lewis Carroll story in that antebellum get-up.

Is this where we tell marching band stories? I played trumpet in my high school marching band when I was a freshman and sophomore. That first year, we played a medley of Styx songs.

I'm headed to a Giants game next month myself - glad to hear I'll have some of that old-time organ to add to the splendor of the game!

Paging Maryland! (That said, I think Maryland's flag is awesome.)

EDIT: never mind!

That is a most agreeable position, Franko!