Arthur Edens and His Bread

Reminds me of the bamboozling mess of horse-riding and bird-flying that is the Caldecott Medal.

Based on this harangue, it looks like HipsterDBag is the second man to cross The Atlantic - the first was Charles Lindbergh!

"I like exclamation points! I love them - a lot! Of course!"
 - Tom Wolfe

Indeed he was! The mellifluous Mr. Yeaman of Kentucky.

Beethoven provided young me with my first introduction to the incredible deadpan stylings of Mr. Grodin, and for that I'm grateful.

That sure would explain the recent increase in snark!

*Edited as well*

Hang in there, Franko! With someone as sensitive and upstanding as you in your Mom's corner, I'm sure things will work out.

Yeah, it's great to see so much praise for the late Mr. Walsh. I'd give a particular shout-out to his roles in A Few Good Men and Pleasantville.

Noooooo oooooooone . . . bribes like Gaston!
No one jibes like Gaston!
No one threatens Jess Smith with a gun like Gaston!

I would love to hear that, because I don't believe I've ever heard Coolidge's voice. To the YouTube!

Michael Stuhlbarg consistently steals every scene he's in, especially when he says unexpected and amusing things.

"You lose."

Perhaps they can make a journey of it, going around the country and intimidating a whole assortment of old-timey celebrities.

"Good afternoon, citizens of Chippewa Falls. I understand you have a crime problem in your town. Perhaps the iron hand of justice can provide some relief."

However, the trailer shows a distinct lack of Gaston Meens!

insert obligatory "I can't wait till Sorkin finally covers that" joke

The zoo is a terrific idea, Lux, one that I am going to try to use in the future.

In my excitement, I merged my account with Disqus, and now look at me - you can't even click my name anymore. I feel like a ghost.
