Arthur Edens and His Bread

I honestly believe my first exposure to Mr. Macy was in Down Periscope. He became at that moment, and remains, one of my all-time favorite actors.

Ahahaha, I'd forgotten about "The Littlest Senator." Classic.

You'd better believe I enjoy reading about newsrooms! Sounds marvelous.

You're just a memory. You can't provide any new information.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: Five Guys.


Daaaaaaarryl, Daaaaaaaaaaaarryl

AHA, marvelous! I'm almost finished catching up on the show, and boy howdy, it's just as good as everyone said it was. I feel like such a dolt for not watching it sooner, but better late than never, right?

That might very well be the funniest episode of the series. Them's a doin's a-transpirin'!

"Lisa's Substitute" is very close to the top.

Jean-Luc, lemme ask you something I've been wondering about. If you were to take all of the Cubs fans and all of the White Sox fans and put them together, what would be the percentage breakdown on each side? I've always assumed that Cubs fans probably outnumber White Sox fans by a fair margin, but that's just my

I've thought about reading Wolf Hall (saw it on sale at Costco!), and I believe it's received a fair bit of praise 'round these parts. Do let us know how it  is!

Ooooh, this Place to Be sounds like my kind of book!

Still reading Master of the Senate. The other senators used to be really mean to Hubert Humphrey, and he'd sometimes drive home in tears. This made me sad.

What day is today?
It's Mr. Stewart's birthday!
What a day for a birthday!
Let's all have some cake.

Maybe Spice Weasel is afraid of swallowing a seed and having a watermelon plant grow inside her tummy, like in that episode of Rugrats.

Hey all, this has probably been mentioned elsewhere around the AVC, but the Barnes & Noble 50% Off Criterion Sale is going on right now! Have your eye on that Badlands Blu-ray but have been waiting for the price to get down to $20? Now's your chance to act!

Good Idea: Playing football with your grandpa

Lord Grantham would forward around all of those damned moronic right-wing emails.

Doctor Clarkson might actually be my favorite character on the show now. Remember when he wanted to marry Mrs. Crawley? CHRIST, what a dumbass!