Arthur Edens and His Bread

To an extent, I suppose, but the whole Sabre plot was played almost entirely for laughs. There wasn't a lot of social commentary there!

I remember thinking c. 2009 that The Office had the potential to really do something interesting in light of the financial crisis - address the issue head-on, maybe even reduce the comedic quotient for the sake of realism as these characters battle the specter of unemployment in a way that not many television

You bet!

I prefer Blocky & Oxwinkle.

I saw Fleetwood Mac on Friday with my dad. They put on a helluva show! I got our tickets at the last minute, so we were angled behind the band, which was actually kind of awesome because we could watch Mick Fleetwood's amazing drumming from that vantage point. Man has 40 years on me, and he still works those drums

Wouldn't dream of it.

Say Lux, apparent-LEE you're not much of a fan!

I'm well into Master of the Senate right now, which is just as spellbinding as the first two of Caro's LBJ books. I was so excited when I got to the chapter dedicated to my idol Hubert Humphrey that I almost barfed.

I took a course taught by Professor Pinker in college, and it was great. His enthusiasm is infectious, not to mention the fact that he's whip-smart (and he has great Einstein-hair!). I haven't read Better Angels, but perhaps I should!

I should've mentioned this earlier, Donna, but thanks for the trivia about "Professor" Donovan! A man who taught the pugilistic arts to Theodore Roosevelt must have been one tough customer.

No kidding! Well, Harvard's engineering program is rather . . . humble, I suppose. There was a grand total of maybe five engineering majors in my graduating class. I think you made the right call!

Whoa now, I find all this 1776-bashing as intolerable as, well, the Intolerable Acts!

I'm feeling pretty good right now, I think. I'm not sure where I'll be attending yet, but I figure my credentials are good enough that I'll get into a pretty decent school. Plus, having worked for three years beforehand and made some excellent connections, I suspect I'll be in a good position when I'm finished. I'll

Ha! Poor old Donald.

To quote Gus Grissom: Fuckin' A, bubba!

I forget where I first read it, but tauntauns sounds just like the Hamburglar.

Can I interest anyone of you in fruit or dessert?


Donna, please tell this to the characters on The Newsroom.

We'll be sure to hightail it out of there right quick!