Arthur Edens and His Bread

GAH, that sounds awesome. I interviewed for some jobs in Silver Spring, and the existence of that AFI Theatre was a tremendous draw. Have fun!

This ought to be framed, Malingerer - it's a work of art! Thanks so much!

Thanks, Tity Boi! Wonderful suggestions.

In Kindergarten, I memorized all of the Presidents and recited them very quickly. That pretty much led me to where I am today. I'm 25, will be applying to law school in the fall, and know that the right gal for me is out there somewhere. I can't wait to find out who she is.

Nahhh, I think it'll be fine. I'm just a worrier.

Sending positive thoughts your way, D-H. You're a good egg, plain and simple, so hang in there and things will work out, I guarantee it!

Ah, enjoy! Charles Laughton hams it up to a delightful degree in that film. And they actually filmed it in the real Senate Chamber at the Capitol, so the authenticity is quite exciting. Don't miss the cameo from Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson (D-Wash.)!

In general tonsorial news, I went for my usual haircut last Friday and, due to a misunderstanding with the haircutter that I didn't address in time, she sheered off most of my hair. I'm unreasonably disconcerted that it won't grow back.


Based on his sexy voice and bad attitude and the fact that you had lunch with him, I'll assume it was Orson Welles.


I'll also add some of the great old LucasArts sound effects: Manny Calavera deploying his scythe (and the balloon sounds too), Indiana Jones stepping on a spider in Infernal Machine, and ahhhh, the relaxing ocean sounds of Monkey Island.

I'm a bit of a skyscraper enthusiast, so I'm tremendously excited to see the Sears and Hancock up close and in person, as well as the Tribune Tower and Marina City.

Ah, good point - deep dish!

I'm going to offer a dissenting opinion on this one, Justice Scrawler. I believe the "something something meme" should use the form "The A.V. Club," with periods. I defer to the precedent set by the honorable Yuri Petrovich.

*writes down Lego marinade recipe*

And, I assure you Switters, we're glad to have you back!

The PING from Hunt for Red October.