@ImperfectLink: Yeah, this looks like it is absolutely BEGGING to be on the iPad...
@ImperfectLink: Yeah, this looks like it is absolutely BEGGING to be on the iPad...
@NationalGrantham: you sir are correct.
@madisomi: man of ren: aren't Blackberry still currently on top?
@WestwoodDenizen: i suppose that makes sense, maybe i'm just too clumsy. it still feels just bizarre to me.
too this day i just don't understand how anyone can game on a keyboard and mouse, i've never done anything as unnatural feeling as trying to move a character with a keyboard, or trying to select other things with who-knows-what key out of the 108 or whatever.
everyone poo-pooing it going to T-mo -vs- VZW, I'd offer that the iPhone on T-Mo doesn't mean VZW isn't getting it, just not yet. Adding it to Tmo's network is simple enough, going CDMA will be at least a somewhat major hardware upgrade.
@seanpat12: it wouldn't really be a "new" iphone though, it'd just be a new chip (or a firmware update if the chip already supports it) that supports T-mo's 3g spectrum, as opposed to much more significant internal change for VZW.
oh, man, iPad version with higher-res grfx. now. please.
yeah, at this point "cheap" upfront cost is basically a completely invalid point: there is no "cheap" you are gonna pay, what $50-300 upfront for your phone, and then have the exact same expensive data plan as everyone else with that phone. Until a company comes out with a tiered data plan that actually makes sense…
@dtptampa: it actually costs over $100 to go from 10.3/4 to 10.6 'cuz you have to get the "Mac Box Set" that includes the updated iLife and iWork.
@zoomos: from the linked site: "-and they're totally machine washable"
@Gregory Gammill: um, it's a 3.5mm, aka standard headphone jack.
@ACEACEACE: iPhone's available on multiple carriers in most countries besides the U.S.
@Kizler: i dunno, i really don't think Apple cares nearly as much about market share as they do about solid, steady growth and maintaining the margins they want on their products ~ they've always said Microsoft doesn't have to lose for them to succeed, by margin they are far and away the most successful computer…
@Kizler: well, yeah, they sell one phone (or 2 or 4 or 5 depending on how you want to slice the numbers, but essentially 1 device), it's not really a fair comparison. I mean, how many Android sets are out now, like 2 dozen+? (not to mention spread across all carriers)
signal downgrade = no sale.
@Jeremy: so far, in 3 months of heavy use i've only come up with no flash being an inconvenience twice. That's really not bad ~ i do miss all those multi-media ads that explode out of pages when i accidently mouse over them while scrolling though /sarcasm...
@Applerain: it's ability to make aprox. 2 Billion dollars appear (magically!) in Apples bank account in less then 3 months...
@vinod1978: +1 ~ looking forward to the fast app switching!
@Kaiser-Machead: the only thing i could see would maybe be if they were first to market with a lossless/semi lossless format. That'd be huge. although i'm not sure how many folks ACTUALLY care about the fidelity...