Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

I wouldn’t. Someone with that much class and talent coming in to contact with someone so lacking in those things would cause a situation not unlike anti-matter coming into contact with matter. It’d look like that explosion at the end of the super schlocky Angels and Demons.

No one can

No I think she's a pretty apt stand in for Olenna. What with the micromanaging her families lives in every conceivable way all to wring out an advantage and achieve more status and power.

“Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”

Now playing

Does this remind anyone else of that scene from GoT where Olenna described how fucked up the Lannister Tyrell family tree will look?

Your encouragement and hilarious kinja name are all the help I need. Thank you!

I’m so jealous!!!!!!!

I'm actually not familiar with any of these. These sound perfect! Thank you.

I had to make a little effort at addressing the article lol

Wow really? Could’ve fooled me. I always assumed they hired him because he was as close to looking like Burton as they were going to get.

That's a great idea! I really want as many opinions as possible so that'll work out great. If you don't see me for whatever reason feel free to ask yourself. I knew I could count on my fellow jezzies for some awesome recommendations.

Or the remarkable English accent of the male lead that comes and goes like a phantom

Awesome! Thank you.

Someone else mentioned that too and I’m so pissed I didn’t think of that immediately when I started. That may be the craziest lifetime movie of them all. Thank you!

Oh my god, I can't believe I forgot that one! Thank you so much.

Ah yes, who could forget. Too bad it wasn’t released in theaters, it had “Best Picture” written all over it.

Liz and Dick or the one where she pretends to be pregnant?

I’d settle for just a recommendation. Like, if anyone can think of the name of a lifetime movie they saw where they remember thinking “wow...this is fucking insane” then please tell me the title and I’ll watch it. I already have a list of titles I made myself but I want to expand and watch as many crazy lifetime

Hey guys I have a question that literally has nothing to do with this article. I figured this was the best way to get a big number of different suggestions. A comedy website was interested in an idea I had for an observational article. My idea was “most comically absurd moments from lifetime movies”. While I’m an

This kinda thing is made for me. I LOVE classic films, I love Hollywood history, I love studying movies but I especially love behind the scenes craziness on iconic films. Can't wait!