Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

I imagine he looks something like this

Speechless. Putting aside the fact that our justice system is incredibly unfair when it comes to doling out equal punishment to everyone regardless of race and socioeconomic status, “teenage sex play”, “malheur”, “this suffering is your condemnation/consecration”?! Besides being incredibly pretentious it’s

Its kinda what they said about bicycles and forks. Women would forget their place, lose their femininity, etc. . It's always something isn't it?

I've read a lot of funny comments today but this may be the funniest.

I doubt Trumps handshake is anything to write home about either. Did you see how small his hands are?!

Which is funny because their heads seem permanently inserted up their own asses.

This was an awesome comment then and it is now. Trump’s “hair club for men” card has nothing on her.

Hey yeah, how does that work?! I didn't even think of that. Yeesh, what a mess.

I didn’t see it until I was maybe 12 on HBO and I remember thinking “That’s Whoopi Goldberg?!” and being really pretty shocked at how heavy yet subdued her performance was. I hadn't seen her in anything but comedies at that point and it really surprised me.

I really don’t know. I put “Tyrion and Bronn fan art” into google images and lost almost an entire afternoon to the awesomeness.

You're right, I completely forgot about The Butler. 2013 I think.

Someone needs to film this scene so I can watch it on repeat along with the scene where Joffrey dies and Arya kills Lorch & Trant

I really need to commit to reading this book. Everyone I've talked to said pretty much the same exact thing you did. I know it'll probably infuriate me in parts but from what I understand she deserves to have her legacy honored.

For you

It'll be cool to see Oprah act again after all this time. Especially in a role as juicy and historic as this. I haven't read the book yet but Lacks reputation certainly precedes her. I know Lady O did some VO work in Princess and The Frog, had small roles here and there, and was even rumored to play Amanda Waller in

Ugh, thought so. Thank you!

Ok yeah but the Republican Party has a lot of the more oppressive policies. Especially in regards to immigrants and people of color. It seems really counterproductive.

This was the woman whose biography was almost banned in an American school because a particularly prude mom didn't want her high school age kid reading about it right? Or am I thinking of someone else?

Thank you, I’m glad your home birth went so well! As I said, I’m just curious as someone who’s been a chronic stone former since 10 and a pain management patient for other issues since 2010. I’ve been told that kidney stones are as close as a man can get to knowing what childbirth is like and the thought of someone

I don't know but that reeeeally wouldn't surprise me. When I think of republicans shooting themselves in the foot with women in 2012 I immediately think of Todd Akin and Richard Murdoch. What a shitshow that was! They didn't just shoot themselves in the foot, they hacked their feet off with jagged rusty sporks.