Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

I love your handle. So far today I've seen a Simpson reference for a handle and a Seinfeld reference. I know this has nothing to do with anything but I'm a pop culture junkie and just wanted to tip my hat to you.

Thank you! I was just curious. I've had kidney stones which is probably as close as I'll ever get to understanding what childbirth is like and the thought of someone going through pain that's even worse without anything to help just scares the hell out of me.

Do you know if women delivering at home are prescribed anything beforehand or is it more often than not a natural birth without meds?

I just have to tell you ... I LOVE your handle. Hank Scorpio rocks so hard. “I expect you to die and have a very cheap funeral!”. Classic.

That’s just like Cruz and Rubio. “Immigrants should learn English! They should _____. Immigrants need to _____. Now let me tell you about my immigrant parents who barely spoke English.”

I have a weird question that doesn’t really have much to do with the topic at hand but I’d appreciate an answer if someone knows. How do home births in america work in regards to meds and the like? Like, are midwives allowed to administer epidurals or other meds? As a guy I don't think I have to worry about this kind

Don’t even joke! Pod and Brienne will live into their 90's after moving into the red keep with Dany, Davos, Jorah (whose grey scale was just a bad rash. He’s fine),Tyrion, Bronn, Daario, Varys, grey worm, missandei, arya, Sansa, tormund, and WunWun. They’ll have breakfast together every morning followed by happy hour

Propping up the undeserved ego’s of fat, old, balding, unintelligent, obnoxious men with small penises everywhere maybe? At any rate I think if trump won (God forbid) the chances of us seeing the first presidential divorce are pretty good.

I understand why wealthy people vote republican but I’ll never understand why immigrants support republicans. My father & his side of the family are immigrants and they’re the same way. You’d think you’d want to support fellow immigrants instead of burning the bridge behind you. It’s a lot of “I got mine!”. And

I’m a straight 27 year old male with a lovely girlfriend and a healthy robust sex life and I LOVE Bronn. He’s probably my favorite character and I love everything about him. Check out this fan art I found:


I prefer: Ramsay has the skin from his feet removed. Then he's thrown into waist deep snow barefoot (heh) and given a 5 minute head start. Then the wolves are let loose on him.

Lol! I'm sorry if I sounded pissy it just blows my mind how up themselves these guys are. They really don't get it. It's like they're missing an empathy gene or something.

Little bastard. WunWun should've grabbed him by the ankles and hit him against the wall like a moldy carpet last night.

In my heart. I love pod!

Yeah, WE know that, but that was another thing from the 2012 autopsy. They never had any plan to change their platform (except 2 days after losing Hannity said republicans needed immigration reform and a path to citizenship. Again...didn’t last long did it?). All they were ever going to do is change their rhetoric. I

What a guy

The fact that it was called “The Growth and Opportunity Project” seems hilariously ironic in hindsight. Yet they still seem utterly baffled why they have trouble reaching out to basically anyone who isn’t insane & hateful enough to vote in the republican primary.

Man... Republicans really don’t get that when all you do is slam, and judge, and demonize entire groups of people said groups are gonna have a hard time believing you care about them. In 2012 all I remember hearing from republicans was that they were gonna do outreach and become new modern candidates. That plan didn’t

Yeah I want an episode devoted solely to the torture and murder of Ramsay and Olly and I don’t think I’m alone. That episode would win all the Emmys .