Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

You certainly have my blessing!

Lol well said.

With you beloved an artic time share would be hot.

Low like a ravenous sea serpent in the marianas trench with bad hair, orange skin, and a personality that’s about as appealing as an arctic time-share . So low James freakin’ Cameron couldn't find him.

It's a toughey I'll admit. They're all so punchable in so many ways.

Penis still short too. You aren’t fooling anyone,Drumpf.

“Lying low” may be generous given the tantrum Trump’s having about what happened in Colorado.

Who's face is more punchable his or Martin Shkreli & Ted Cruz? I understand you may need to take sometime deliberating. They're all so very punchable .

Yeeesh....that's all I'm gonna say. This whole trump phenomenon may slowly be catching.

Lol so true, so true.

Beautifully said.

Congratulations love! I too have gotten through some dark times with the help of my fellow jezzies. I think that’s something that makes this online community something of a rarity, we actually give a shit about each other. Sure we may argue and disagree about stuff like what the best jezzie nickname for Trump is but

The song “When you’re evil” might work too. It’s all about the joys of being a piece of unapologetic shit. That's Trump t a T.

Thank you, I try!

Well I’m a straight guy so you have permission to date my father Daario, just as long as you remember I’m his son and number 1 to him. I do sympathize tho because of.... Aunt Dany 😍... But then again Targaryen’s never minded dating family members before so maybe it'll work out.

He’s a gentle loving soul! He’s got “awesome father/brother material” written all over him.

He would never! He’ll be a great father. Besides I always have Daario “please don’t be in charge of the Harpies” Naharis as my other dad as well as uncle Tyrion and aunt Dany to protect me. I'll be fine.

IDK why there isn’t equal opportunity nudity in this day and age. We’ve already seen Ben affleck’s dick, Eddie redmayne, tom cruise if you pause it just right in that one scene, I think it’s time. If women have to bare all men should do. In a world where people see 3 dicks before lunch whether on porn or just

I’m well aware it’s based on the War between the Yorks and Lancasters and that the Red Wedding is based on The Black Dinner. Joffrey is Caligula, Tyrion is essentially a kinder more likable Richard III, blah blah blah. I don’t need a history lesson on how women were treated in the Middle Ages. However in a world where