Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

You're right, Thomas swinging kinda robs the scene of its point. The murders are supposed to be senseless and unprovoked.

It’s even sillier when u see it yourself. Bats IS crazy now, he kills and uses guns. That said, affleck as batman and Bruce Wayne is the strongest part of the movie. He's gonna do great on his own.

Yeeeeah, that's def true. I know it's been said 100x by better movie geeks than me but he's a visual director who just doesn't have a handle on storytelling yet.

I think they also need someone like Feige at Marvel. Someone to marshal everyone, connect the universe subtly but strongly, keep all the ships sailing in the same direction. DC is gonna have a big problem with the different tones of their movies. Fun, crazy far out movies like Suicide Squad and Green Lantern Corps

Ok, SPOILERS(naturally):

Congratulations on winning “best reply of the day”! Please take this hilarious panel featuring my fictional girlfriend Harley Quinn as a token of my affection and esteem.

Me too, GofG was the best superhero film in 8 years in my opinion. It's a perfect movie in the sense that everything they set out to do, they do, perfectly. It's like Jaws or Raiders in that way.

I was always more excited about Suicide Squad. I’m a villain junkie with a lifelong love of Joker and lifelong crush on Harley Quinn. Seeing so many villains in one place is like a Beatles reunion to me. Bohemian Rhapsody, the greatest song ever written, was just the icing on the cake to me.

It certainly lends itself to parody in a few places lol. At least civil war comes out in May and Suicide Squad in August.

That tomb nightmare had “deleted scene” written allllll over it. I kinda liked the Wayne murder scene though. I think that's where Snyder shines. A scene where you need striking and heavy visuals like that scene in crime alley. It was horrific, brutal, and beautiful all at once.

I think if you have some time and are looking for something fun then you should give it a try. There's some fun and really great stuff there. But it is kinda long and kinda messy. However despite my movie snobbery I'm far from an authority and if a movie makes someone happy and takes them on a fun journey then have at

It's weird because I think Suicide Squad looks like it (hopefully, please god make it good!) has a good mix of dark and dangerous and crazy and fun. Let's hope.

Thank you!!!!!! Oh god was that clumsy and contrived.

Me too! Talk about a movie that deserves a sequel!

Me too! Oh god, that'll work really well. They already have the chemistry so I'm super excited for that too.

Eventually yes, that’s what happened. But the only thing that stopped superman from a kryptonite enema was the whole “Martha “ thing. When Bats was sufficiently confused and having a weird tantrum then superman explained the situation to him. It was just soooo...silly to me. Idk. It sounds like I hated this movie, I

It’s weird what lessons studios take from successful movies isn’t it? It’s like with Deadpool. Instead of seeing a fun, clever, light, funny movie that isn’t cramming world building and superfluous characters down our throats they just said “oh it’s because it’s rated R! That’s why it’s successful!” .

I'm super close with my mom too. But I wouldn't stop fighting the guy who just punched me through walls and tried to kill me just because of some crowbarred contrivance or ridiculous coincidence. I certainly wouldn't then trust the guy who nearly killed me to rescue my mother either.

I think once she has a good director, a decent script, and room to stretch her legs in a movie of her own she’ll be fine. Awesome theme music too.

As soon as Superman said my...well, you know... I'd have given him a kryptonite enema.