Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

Me too, and when I think about it I think it says a lot. Hollywood is a place where word of mouth, who you know, what you say, what you've done counts for EVERYTHING. To head butt a director is a big freakin deal. However D. O. R. Is such a notorious asshole that it didn't ruin clooneys career and he NEVER went and

He sure did! It was on the set of 3 Kings in ‘99. Russell was apparently being such an obnoxious little shit,not just to Clooney himself, but to people on set just there to do their jobs. It got so bad that Clooney straight up head butted him. From what I hear the crew looked up to him like he was Spartacus or

I don’t think he cares. As long as he gets to swing his dick (which is probably comically small) around and yell at actors and hard-working people on set that people actually respect he’s happy. I think he got it into his head that he’s the only reason some of his movies are well recieved. The funny thing is he

Oh I’m very well aware. The stories of weinsteins pathetically clumsy attempts to elicit sex from female employees by having a meeting with them immediately after getting out of the shower is the stuff of legends. I would also add Donald Sterling into that camp despite him not being part of the film industry. Russell,

How INSANE is that footage?! That's an adult and presumably sane man having the kind of tantrum a Donald trump toddler would call excessive. I would never be able to take a person seriously after that.

David O. Russell is such a notorious asshole George Clooney head butted him. I imagine it takes quite a bit of douchebaggery to make a fellow bleeding heart liberal like Clooney head butt someone. I’ve even heard he’s a bigger Hollywood douchebag than Harvey Weinstein which is no small feat.

I ain't your buddy, guy.

Agreed. 2 years ago I totally would’ve voted for Hillary no questions asked but more and more I’m noticing how completely fucked up our government is. Whether it be local or national it’s completely stacked against regular people. I understand why some people might prefer Hillary but idk how someone can say they want

It's exhaustion and horrifying

“You heard me, punchy”

Now there’s a horrifying thought, Cheney lite. Or Cheney heavy in this case. A lot of ppl think Joe Scarborough is the favorite for the veep pick which to me isn't as bad but only barely.

I don’t like Christie. I think he’s an obnoxious bloviating bullshit-artist bully (alliteration, I love it) but....WOW is that clip embarassing and sad. Like, wow!

They used an actual shotgun to film that scene and in retrospect it totally shows.

Me too and a lot of the time I think it's meant to.

Seriously. It made me think of the movie Scanners.

I agree and disagree. She is DEFINITELY the establishment which is both a help & hindrance. The fact that she’s the establishment will get her traction with organizers, community leaders, etc. (people with a teeny bit of influence or power basically) but in my experience, and I could be wrong, the African American

I think the fact that the republicans have stopped the pretense & coded language and just went balls to the wall with their racism doesn’t hurt her or bernie’s chances either. Even Mel Gibson would say “wow these guys are hateful”.

What a shit-show this whole election cycle has become

Christies eating what republicans call a “California cheeseburger” in this picture

You beat me by 2 seconds