Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

My Love....for you?

I hate this man with the burning fire of a thousand suns

I really truly desperately hate “Doland Trimp” with the burning fire if 1,000 sons

It’s great. A typical but lovely college town with lots of history. However I’ve lived here almost my whole life so some of the charms have worn off. I also don't get why people would fly here from Guatemala just to spend Christmas. Still it's pretty nice. Let me know when you swing by and I'll buy you a drink.

Seriously! It reeks of bitterness and desperation. They REALLY want to believe they were the good guys in that war.

Peter Dinklage IS hot!

Sounds good to me

It’s certainly an accurate name. It’s a lot harder to lie to yourself and pretend you’re Scarlett O’Hara guilt free though. Not that a lot of proud confederates would feel much guilt about racism, treason, terrorism, and white supremacy. They haven't yet.

Stupid sexy Flanders!

I think they're missing the point. Next they're gonna petition Game of Thrones for making incest so hot.

No burning Atlanta though!

It also shows what they want this country to be: great for some, HORRIBLE for others. But as long as they’re happy...

Idk, I think this is pretty blatant. I think they think it's sneaky but it's pretty obvious what this is.

Maybe May could be “Union Month” where we all collectively remind the south that they're being HUGE dicks again.

That's what it's ALWAYS been about. Now thanks primarily to trump they don't have to use coded words and diet racism. This is classic formula racism.

Why not just call it what it is: Vote Trump Month

You’re a peach. Thank you!

Damn it kinja!

So this is about ...what?...heritage?...patriotism? Because after all, what’s more patriotic than secession and war on the basis of white supremacy? Yes, I said WHITE SUPREMACY. You can’t ignore the truth forever. The south SECEDED from America (that means left) and killed Americans all so they could keep slaves. Take

So this is about ...what?...heritage?...patriotism? Because after all, what's more patriotic than secession on the basis of white supremacy? Yes, I said WHITE SUPREMACY. You can't ignore the truth forever.