Mr.Noir, Liberal Hippie King

I don't disagree but what do you think should be done? Like, what'll it take to show them they are the bad guys?

Simpsons reference!

Yesterday a particularly clever commenter coined the term “SmugMug” to describe it. Strangely it's always colossal assholes who have it. People like Martin Shkreli, Ted Cruz, Merritt, this asshole mentioned above, Conrad Hilton, etc.

What is it with the smug self satisfied “I’m a prick and I know it” looks on these guys faces?! Merritt had one yesterday, this douchebag has one today.

They are pretty great

Wow that genuinely surprised me. I can't imagine a guy like that caring for anything but his donors. But then even Hitler loved dogs so...

It's mine! Nobody touch it. Just take my word for it.

Homer may not be but I wish I got to see a panda dance “23 skidoo” like the people at the Springfield zoo did.

It's kind of incredible isn't it? Like the line for what cops feel they can beat and arrest you for is smaller than ever but it seems like it's almost impossible to hold a cop accountable

I can't...stop watching...this's everything to me.

If pandas could melt Newt Gingrich’s black black heart then perhaps she's on to something?

Stabler would rip that POS detective in half like a phone book

Just when I was feeling a little better about our justice system after reading about that awesome judge who gave an hour long speech about how racist and unqualified cops don't deserve to be cops and need to be held accountable this happens....

I dig her too but not half as much as I like the word “sheroes”.

I watched it too and it’s incredibly satisfying. So often we see prosecutors and judges do everything they can to minimize the actions of racist and unqualified police officers. It’s nice to see a judge recognize the obvious racial animus entrenched in so many police forces across America and punish the true criminals

I know right? It kinda lends some weight to the fact that assholes like that are completely out of touch and lack any semblance of self awareness. I truly can’t remember the last time I heard someone say “feminazi” un-ironically. Next they’re gonna sincerely say “it’s about ethics in journalism”.

Holy shit you’re right. Now I can’t get the horrifying image of Ted Cruz singing “Singin’ in the rain” out of my head. Yeesh. That's unsettling.

This may be my favorite reply ever. I think I love you.

Wow it’s been awhile since I’ve heard some say feminazi unironically. I had kinda hoped we were past that. But then what’s a guy to do when he can’t beat, choke, and assault women without having to go to court. I mean lighten up right?

Hahaha your friends probably right too