Artemis Strong

*shares snicker with Bill Murray*


Entertainment Weekly has always been the first name in drivel.

Jesus, you guys, what is this, some sort of audiovisual club?

Artisinal, small-batch, gluten-free filmhacking.

Matrix Trilogy. The critics' commentary is gold—almost like a lost episode of MST3K.

So it's like the new Beta? Oh no!

Holy shit, yes! I came here to post about Gremlins 2, as well. I was too young at the time to be too aware of the Hammer films, though I may have been dimly aware he had played Dracula.

One time, I was drunk, walking home late at night, when suddenly I was tackled to the ground from behind. When I made my way to my feet, I looked up into the face of Christopher Lee.

Today is gonna be the day,
Day day day day day day day day!

Wait, so all those Pissing Calvin decals are knockoffs?

"I'll whip up a GUI and router her dataset using Unicode ASCII."

"Hey, everyone, let's head on down to the TCBY and ride some Pogo Balls and talk about Clarissa Explains It All."

He was the one unable to reconcile his insecurities productively. Instead, he let them eat his soul, turning him into a vengeful, bitter fraud.

I just want to tell you good luck. We're all counting on you.

Well, it's an elite class: main protagonists of the movie.

Hey, now we have Pono and TiDAL to fill that overpriced audiophile void!

Dogs and cats, living together.

The AV Club