Artemis Strong

Bob's under-the-breath "Fuck this" at the end of the skiing sketch was probably the best line of the night.

Bob deserves an Emmy for "Salesman." The delivery on the line "I never made it this far" slays me. It's both hilarious and affecting at the same time.

That's old, Jay.

Bless you, Teti.

A fairly boring 45 minute stretch of Jon patting himself on the back.

Porn quality?

"Robin Williams once tried to cut me out of twenty dollars."

I thought Archie was dead, killed by hate.

Not now, Murray!

*stares out window and sips coffee with deep ennui*

Wait, Kumail's in that photo?

Coincidentally, "COPS" is Reginald's entire acting resume.


"Did you notice anything strange about Anduin?"


I look forward to this greatly.

I miss Heroes (season 1).

Ah, it aint that bad. Chill out!


You could even wear socks with colors!