Artemis Strong

On a napkin, no less!

Betty is horrible up until the second-to-last episode. She's literally giving her 9 year old son a stomach ulcer.

Don was a firstie?

They'll always be looking at that door. Especially Bobby.

"As for me and my house, we will drink the Pepsi."

Which is why the finale needed more Sally Draper.

What they don't know is that, nine times out of ten, a million-in-one chance will work.

Can you show me on the doll where the Coke ad touched you?

His hair is noticeably longer, verging on 70s-ish.

And Good Eats.

I thought of this ad in connection with the modern-day equivalent:

He had to get past all his junk.

You can never go home again.

In the Mad Men spinoff, Sally Draper, actively fighting against her father's long shadow, goes to the competition:

Definitely agree in general. I was annoyed once I realized the writers had "favorites" and wrote only to them. Started to get borderline Mary Sue-y with some of the characters.

Also, this bit of Zizek's "Pervert's Guide to Ideology" has really come back into my mind this week:

And really, I felt the whole Coke's "the Real Thing" was always on the horizon since the beginning, if not this specific ad. It's just to yummily ironic an ad campaign not to build up to it.

Which also lead to a lot of forced story arcs and wheel-spinning, in my opinion.

An organic mind-fuck.

"I've just disproved the Big Bang Theory!" [FARTS]