Jacqueline Bisset est completement enivrée.
Jacqueline Bisset est completement enivrée.
Oh, but they'll just Scooter Libby this. Bridget Ann Whoever will fall on her sword, Christie will be "outraged" to learn this happened (as if he didn't already know), and the right wing will say he didn't know about it, so we can't be mad at him. And a shocking number of people will believe that.
Also, while it was petty and childish and maybe not that big of a deal in the entire scheme of things, emergency vehicles could not move. At all. We're talking the risk of buildings completely burning down, heart-attacks being treated in ambulances, people bleeding out b/c of no access to blood banks. It was petty but…
As a female gamer I have often struggled with whether to just give up. Whether to just retreat from gaming spaces and avoid the constant rape and death threats I receive for simply being present.
have managed to appropriate the idea of freedom to limit the freedom of other people who are trying to assert their freedom is FUCKING BONKERS
Farewell, indeed. Don't mind the door hitting you in the ass on the way out :)
Fantastic article. Let's not leave the total dismissal of our views out of the picture when it comes to online discussions, either. This rant has been building so even if it's only tangentially relevant, I'm posting it.
Thank you, Urban, but I already have a special shirt that advertises my depression. It's oversized and has a butterscotch pudding stain on it. It hasn't been washed in a few months. I should wash it. Eh. I'm just going to lay here. Wonder if there's anything new on Netflix. I could check. Oh. My ex is logged into my…
Imma let you finish Callie but Nigella should be played by Rachel Weisz
Hi y'all! Just your friendly neighborhood reminder not to promote commenters deeply concerned with the statistically insignificant "problem" of false rape accusations. It's bullshit, and moreover it's derailing.
Not all hope is lost on the Americans, though: Ice Dancers Meryl Davis and Charlie White are the top-ranked ice dancing team in the world right now and they've been amazing this season! Sure, not enough people watch ice dancing, but they have what it takes to win a gold medal, the first ever for an American ice…
Pretty much, especially since NBC got exclusivity. You have no idea how pissed I was in 2012 that none of the swimming events I wanted to watch weren't aired because no Americans were featured. Or that they'd consistently not show the medal ceremony if an American hadn't won gold. Forgive me for wanting to hear a…
I love him, but I'm fairly certain Bill Clinton has never opted out of one bang in his entire life.
This is exactly why I don't trust large bodies of water. In particular, the ocean is gigantic and dark and full of gigantic, dark secrets and I am having none of it! I fully support the war on fishmas.
It seems like kids are REALLY loving this movie. Like, a lot. Like, way more than Brave or Tangled. Which kind of makes me not like kids tbh, but that's just because I think Brave and Tangled are two of the best things Disney has ever done, and Frozen is only so-so.
Everyone knows that if it was a "legitimate rape" the kits have a way of not getting lost.
Let's clarify a few things! I'm actually pretty much obsessed with etiquette and politeness. That's why I said "sorry," before I even asked the guy to move. I didn't touch him or get in his space in any way when I reached up to put my bag in the bin. I didn't "lean over him." In fact, I put my bag in the bin behind…
Well if someone in DC hit their target you can rule out RG3 as a suspect.
I have recently discovered that I am fairly dependant on weed. Well, not as much as my husband: if a day goes by and I don't smoke up, I experience a vague "Something's missing; something that would make this situation that much better" feeling, while he would be scraping out grinders and emptying ash trays.