
Maybe it's just this picture, but I feel like Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. are turning into the same person over time. Orrr maybe they've been the same person the whole time!

I also can't feel affronted on TayTay's behalf, either, but that's because she's made a career out of writing diss tracks about her exes. I hope she can take it as well (or as often) as she dishes it, because she's sown her fair share of sour grapes.

I'll actually engage in a thoughtful discourse, because I don't think you're being too troll-like here. While it's true that yes, there are cutters out there who do it for attention of "Oh, look at how dark and troubled my life is," etc., I 100% sincerely don't think Paris Jackson is one of them.

Yup! Unlike Paris, THIS is an example of a person who just wants attention.

Ideologically, for sure. Maybe it has bled into their genes, too...?

Yup, same deal in France. I suppose the upside (?) is that I'm fluent in French and as such was usually mistaken for being British, as most French people (at least in the south) weren't used to Americans who could actually speak their language competently. As soon as I revealed myself as American, however, things

Agreed, 100%. I was honestly taken by surprise that Jez took the straight-up tabloid approach, given their usual attitude on the way tabloids treat young I was, foolishly expecting that they would instead talk about how messed up it is that people are salivating over this poor girl's struggles, if they

Agreed! Before the Burton era, she did a lot of period pieces for the BBC, etc. and looked AMAZING. Her face fit so well into the 19th century - weird.

I haven't actually read this post yet (though I read TMZ's last night, which was more than enough); however, the whole media circus surrounding this Paris' suicide attempt is, in a word, disgusting. That someone is talking to TMZ and letting them tell the whole world about the specifics is disgusting. That the whole

That is what I immediately thought about, as well. Given their current state of affairs, I am dying to know what kind of secrets...


Lil Kim, your face. No judgment! No judgment! Your FACE, BUT ALSO NO JUDGMENT!! *seizure* *falls off cliff*

Maybe a slightly-less-bulky-than-Thor and brown bewigged Chris Hemsworth? Toki is supposed to be super cut and have big, dreamy blue eyes after'm sorry, what was the question?

Fair enough! :) That's not to say there weren't a few gentlemen scattered around - I actually hung around a frat that was filled with decent, nerdy, awesome dudes on a campus of godawful entitled, rapey frat-bros - but man, it could be really sad to experience. The business dudes were the worst, closely followed by

Man, I went to a Big 10 school as well and there were few (to none, depending on the evening) gentlemen to be found. May I ask which school?

My mom has Bipolar I, and after being through the ringer with that whole experience, it seems to me that Amanda really is sick. When my mom was severely manic, she would 1.) say horrible, offensive things to anyone with no regard given to what was actually being said, 2.) get extremely angry and sometimes violent if

o________o is pretty much the best response I can muster. I just...whatttttt...

Okay, I'll bite: I'm legitimately curious about how he faked it. Like, I can't even imagine how one would fake it! It's either happening or it isn't, right...?

Probably because everyone is so damn hungry...