
So they're sort of like the extremist Christian version of thetans, then?

"Small Business Loans Help Village Women in Indian Protect Themselves Against Horrible Modern Witch Hunts" - in Indian what? Should probably read "Small Business Loans Help Village Women in INDIA..."

I agree completely about how the word itself seems to have lost its true definition, and fails to really encapsulate the horror, terror, and powerlessness associated with rape since it became a way to describe what your husband described. For example, I'm a gamer and the amount of times the word "rape" is used in

I'm really sorry to hear about that! :( Those kinds of burns are the absolute worst...and yeah, in cases like that there's really nothing that can be done. I had a similar experience in high school going to Florida, which resulted in some really awful burns on my stomach and arms despite my constant SPF-70

Allow me to qualify now that I've calmed down: I live in a northern state, and understand that come February, a lot of folks start missing sunlight and that a tanning booth can serve as a sort of substitute when the real deal is unavailable. That's perfectly fine and I get it, even if I'm unable to participate

Anna, thank you so much for the lead image on this post. I am cracking the hell up over here because a.) I unabashedly love the shit out of that song/video, and b.) it perfectly captures the melodrama of a brief John Mayer-related fling. Bahahaha.

Oh, FUCK THEM. This puts me in such a state of incoherent rage; I had melanoma when I was 20 that was mercifully caught pretty early, but still had pretty traumatic surgery to remove it from my right thigh. 40 (FORTY!) stitches later, I couldn't leave my parents' basement for a week due to stairs, couldn't walk for

I am both marvelously proud and dismayed that this article came from my hometown, lol. Way to represent, Elmhurst?

Right! For all the right's harping on the left for being over-sensitive and overly politically correct, why can't I come out and be like you know what, I think you're flat-out wrong? Just because you believe in something doesn't make it real, like Santa. You're perfectly entitled to believe what you want, just as

I posted an image on my facebook page of an Isaac Asimov quotation not half an hour ago that rather neatly sums up this depressing reality: "Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is

So, I've been thinking about this whole claim where women's bodies evidently have the ability to just make this sperm go away or whatever the fuck super power we're evidently supposed to have. It sorta hurts to think about too much, but in so doing and persevering through the brain explosions, I've came to some very

I dated a guy for five and a half years - high school sweetheart through a good portion of college, heading towards marriage, the whole nine yards. About a month before our five year anniversary, he hit me at a Halloween party. He was plastered drunk, picked up a steel-toed boot, and deliberately swung it and

"Queen Elizabeth's six-pack of corgis reportedly fucked up one of Princess Beatrice's Norfolk terriers" made me laugh out loud so damn hard for a good minute or two. I don't know if it was the imagery, or the marriage of the words "queen, princess, corgis, fucked up" that did it for me, but props to you Mr. Barry.

I'm sorry to hear that - I'm in pretty much the exact same boat as you. Constant stabbing, aching pain in my low back every single day for the past two years. Last time I took pain killers prescribed to me by a doctor, they ate a hole in my stomach, my solution is a loooot of weed, when I am able. Helps

Oh gross, now THAT is a terrifying prospect that is worthy of some shame.

...and I thought the WWE .gif thread was amazing. Is it legal to propose marriage over the internet? Because you have touched the depths of my soul with this Harry Potter amazingness.

I very much read that in George Takei's voice...

So now that thing that I've been doing for the past few years in the dark recesses of my bedroom, late at night, shamefully, when no one is looking is becoming popular...? (I'm obviously talking about writing fanfiction you guys, geeze)

This is the best. thread. ever. Thank you so much for presenting the awesomeness that are WWE gifs!