
Of course he despises violence! He's an Evangelical Christian, you see:

Time for the Grammar Police to leap into action EN FRANÇAIS!

D'aww thanks! *blush*

I know they can't, nor do I expect them to; instead, I've developed a really excellent hand-shield technique so I can scroll down the page in peace. It was more of a musing than a demand, really :)

I gotta ask: what's with all the Ryan Lochte hate? What has he ever actually said or done to be on the receiving end of such ire? Yeah, he has goofy shoes and sayings and grillz and is a sorta displaced frat boy in his late 20s - I get that. But to be a true douche bag, doesn't one have to actually ACT the part?

I hate when you guys put giant pictures of needles on cover pictures...I have a horrible phobia of them and can't look at the page until something else gets uploaded :(


Right?! Maybe it's my bias as a swimmer, but I kinda felt the inclination to make her swim a super hard set, then slap her as she gets out...grr.

So you mean this would prevent my having more chunks of flesh "excised" (read: carved out) then sewn together with 40+ stitches with resulting scars? YES, PLEASE! I'm even able to accept the inevitability of said particles developing their own sentience and taking over my brain, if only to be treated to a wonder

Though sexism in Silicon Valley might no long come as a great shock to anyone


Dear Jez,

Whatever day it was (Saturday, maybe?) that Jez initially reported this, the author of the Dirt Bag made some pretty ridiculous implications about Will Smith being homophobic for reacting the way he did. I can't pretend I'm not baffled that after the extremely negative reaction to that attitude in the comments over

YES. I had a sandwiche americain in Arles (then later in Paris, because I was hooked), and just about died from its deliciousness. Having followed it up with a fresh fruit tart and latte, it was possibly one of the best meals I have ever eaten, and it was just from a random street vendor near the massive market.

There's one literally across the street from Moulin Rouge, as well (right along the 9th and 18th arrondissements), or at least there was in 2009. Never had it, though - I was too taken in with French coffee, and moreso, wine...

My mother is bipolar, and has been tremendously inconsistently taking her medication for the past two months. From November through about a month ago, she was intensely depressed, hardly leaving her bedroom - in fact, though she did manage to show up to my college graduation in December, she showed up in sweatpants.

Dude. French McDo is DELICIOUS. I spent a month in Avignon two years ago, and my head pretty much exploded when I finally ate there (which I avoided like the plague for the first two weeks, but had to cave out of sheer curiosity). Their menu is infinitely better (1 euro deserts, like chocolate mousse and

I actually just took a grad course on French cuisine, and we had an entire day devoted to talking about McDo in France. Basically, they started catering to French ideals - that the food come from the terroirs, from plain ol' farmers who grow produce and raise cattle, etc. McDo actually had the balls to set up a

Hey, my school has a proud tradition of awesome bathroom stall tags in the English and Foreign Languages buildings. Art, poems, advice, thoughts, Hakuna Matata lyrics - they create art out of the place you poop. So, propriety be damned: long live the eloquent taggers!