Hot Take

We will try to be the obi wan of the country.

THIS THIS THIS. Everyone has a big mouth about their rights piss on the unions, drugs are fine and being all free market-y, but civil forfeiture? nope, staying silent. Go.Fuck.Yourselves.

“The future is female”..... what the fuck ever.

Theres respect and theres objective fact, this is more of the latter. Trump while a reprehensible person isnt wrong in this regard as America has BY FAR been the most militarily aggressive country in the world since Nazi Germany.

“He’s an amiable doofus.”

This is not surprising to many of us in Indian Country. We knew this was coming when Trump was elected. We are expecting more encoachments on our rights and violations of our treaties. Trump honors nothing but himself.

This is what fascism looks like. Start by hurting the disenfranchised that nobody cares about or that you think nobody cares about.

That’s a crappy, childish attitude and view of his situation. If it was you in his shoes I doubt you would be so crass about it.

You are gullible.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Boy, it sure is easy not to worry about stuff when it doesn’t affect you, isn’t it! You wanna bet your own family on “it will be fine?”

And once again I see a defense of the indefensible mounted by a guy with a username that starts with a common male first name with the letter “j”. It’s really, really odd.

Fuck your lack of empathy and understanding.

What is your favorite thing about Trump?

Because you’re not supposed to be a giant douche?

Yes, try going 90 days without work, in a foreign nation, away from your friends and family, all the while *hoping* that you’ll be allowed in within 90 days time, even though you have a green card and by all means are a US citizen.

If they can drum up executive orders to come after him, they can make up reasons to come after you.

What do you mean, Trump’s America? I don’t recall us ever ceding any deeds.

something something politics something something stick to video games