Hot Take

I remember when Geithner was nominated for Treasury Secretary.  My first thought was:  “Barack Obama may have just played us for suckers.”  It wasn’t until he caved on “healthcare reform” and changed it to “health insurance reform” that I knew it for sure.

“You’ve probably heard of ‘Cultural Marxism,’ but do you know what it means?”

Of all the Obama Adminustration alumni, really, are we shocked that the worst would be Geithner?

Also for people who think Obama doesn’t owe anyone anything. Fuck You. 

If only we had some sort of finance bureau that could protect these consumers.. Hmmm

Let’s address the elephant in the room: cargo pants are comfortable and eminently useful. But I’m an old fuck, I camp a lot and I don’t care if I look like I raided Eddie Vedder’s wardrobe circa 1996.

Almost like “neoliberalism” isn’t just some meaningless buzzword and actually, accurately reflects the mainstream view of finance and economics held by both Democrats and Republicans!

I wonder if Mariner Finance can help me....thing is, I have a structured settlement but I need cash now.......

Alternative point: Let’s hear more about how fucktards such as that caveman should be teachers.

lol another shining example of the master race

Good to see centrist Democrats are still using their ‘punt on third down’ strategy.

You’re goddamn right it’s unsafe, we live in a world that is incredibly unsafe for immigrants, women, minorities, anyone who loves truth. It’s a terribly unsafe world and it will take brave voices who make brave choices to change the world or else we’re all fucked.

I have a serious question about this that I’m sure will get drowned out by the punch left crowd.  If Schumer is unable to deny quorum, he has to be done as minority leader, right?  This is clearly a test of his leadership and if he’s not able to get the members to toe the line, then we have to seriously question his

Is this true?

Court pack that sonofabitch and force McConnells saggy turtle eyes open Clockwork Orange style as the new Justices walk by.

No one said that.  Literally no one.

Politics these days is about who can troll the hardest. This is a pretty good one.