Hot Take

She’s a Bernie Bro tho....has she released her tax returns?  She wants to abolish ice and medicare for all but does she have any real ideas on how to get that? 

This was a primary election and her only opponent in the general is a guy whose name turns up more Google search results for other people with the same name than for him. This was the real election, the general in that district is a joke.

If we r gonna be called socialist commie fucks might as well run those candidates instead of having our of touch fucks like Pelosi and Schumer tone policing to appeal to the mythical centrist voter

To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.

Well, she showed up for the debates and he sent a stand in. So I’m guessing the electorate responded to the work she personally put in, in contrast to joe crowley running ads but never showing his face.

Susan Sarandon knocked doors for her. We all know she is capable of tilting any election result.

Fucking finally, some political news that actually put a smile on my face. Thank you, New York’s 14th!

Actually, I believe it’s going to pull the party hard in the left direction. :D

Even after this, expect Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Manchin, et al. to howl and scream about how we’re diving the party and that this is just going to ruin all of their carefully laid plans for 2020.

Awesome news. This is going to pull the party hard in the right direction. 

I’m just here for quality analysis from the centrist chorus.

If you think the 1%ers would personally attend a protest, that’s where you’re really, really wrong.

“It is against my religious beliefs to serve assholes”

Username checks out

man, could've SWORN they liked it when people had the freedom to not serve someone based on their beliefs!

The owner of this restaurant just disagrees with Sarah’s lifestyle choices and is taking a religious stance in refusing service.

Harass these people in public at every opportunity. Never miss a chance to remind them that they are reprehensible human beings deserving of nothing but contempt.

So she’s respecting reporters when she yells at them and calls them liars? Wow!