Hot Take

I do 5 anytime I think of it, so minimum 5 a day, but I’ll do that more than once throughout the day.

Please remember that the employees are just trying to put food in their mouths, they’re not the bad guys. I worked at Gamestop for a long time and got out right before this nonsense started. The pressure can be intense.

They’re suing a fucking idiot who can’t find Rudy sitting right in front of him.

Yeah, but in the meantime several rich assholes will get richer. So it’s worth it.

My husband and I took a Lyft home from the airport protests at SFO this weekend. We were speaking with our driver about it and he asked if we could also please go to Standing Rock. He grew up there on a reservation and had been part of the protests up until he moved to California just a few months ago. I asked him

They’re butter knives.

What the ever-loving fuck, people? Check the calendar, this isnt 1939.

No, it’s really worse. At least back then we could trust most of the conservative party to respect the law, and put nation over party.

Schumer voting for Pompeo is a bad sign.

I have a dumb Pompeo story. I live in his district. Maybe 7 years ago, I & a few others who also work in DV/SA/child development issues scheduled a meeting with him in his home office to discuss our work in his community and talk about our funding sources. It was in the weeks leading up to March Madness, and home team

Are you kidding? Lol, Clinton hasn’t come out of hiding since her friend Donald got elected.

Clinton would have won if she didn’t run such a bad campaign. Obama was just President and he’s... black. A female candidate who wasn’t terrible would have a good chance.

Please do expound on this. I know I’m signed up to volunteer with the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (a.k.a. the fix the gerrymandering effort), but I actually place a large amount of blame of the current state of the Legislative and Executive Branch firmly on the shoulders of the DNC Brass. They

Thanks, Art!

I have never heard of them, thank you so much!

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

Same problem in Columbus, OH

So we can expect you at the next Farmworkers march right? Or the next immigrations march? Or at Standing Rock (which IIRC, you did not attend?).

You guys even got the sexist, Bernie Sanders to go.