
smh meteor can’t come through in the clutch

Meteor 2018; We Swear We’ll Get Them This Time.

One Kickgasm: Cardiff City/Huddersfield Town


Brady Anderson did something with dingers outside of the year he hit 52 while on, um, creatine?

There’s always the next game! (For them to lose their 51st.)

They should have put Brexit on the line, maybe then England would give a shit.

Kind of surprising that Bobby Bonilla Day only got mentioned off-handedly the day after. It’s like it’s not a big deal anymore.

I wouldn’t get a boner, I’d get a BOOOOOOOner.

Indigestion and Chucking Enforcement? Yes.

Zidane’s replacement at Real Madrid getting sacked from his old job (manager of the Spanish men’s team) like, the day before the World Cup kick off?

Excellent execution, too.

Your grandkids will use him to put together their art projects in first grade in about 20 years or so. But first, a long, hedonistic life of sex.

Your grandkids will use him to put together their art projects in first grade in about 20 years or so. But first, a long, hedonistic life of sex.

They’re sending their castoffs, their losers... and some, I assume, are good teams.

That dive was about a 0.9 Titus O’Neal.

The question in any news reporter beef... did someone pull out a trident?

I think the proper name is the Lillian Ellison Girl’s BAttle Royale, to go along with the Andre Rusimoff Memorial BAttle Royale.

McMichael only pawn in LT/Bam Bam Bigelow main event.