
Another thing that Paleo-diet followers don't seem to take into account, is that we're no longer Paleolithic man. Genetically, we've evolved to eat different foods. What's healthy for us, was not necessarily healthy for them and vice versa. We only developed the genetic ability to digest cow's milk 7,500 years ago.

I also have about 14 drinks/week (1 or 2/day). Though the beer I prefer is usually of a higher alcohol content (trappist, ect).

How can they tell that he was muscular from ridges on the skull? Or the fleshiness of his face?

Ok, I think I see what you're saying. That it's an inevitability that we're going to get sick, so we shouldn't need to get "insurance" because that implies if we get sick, when really we should be talking about when.

I'm confused about what you're arguing - are you against Obamacare, but for single-payer healthcare? You seem to be against calling it insurance but you acknowledge that everyone is going to get sick eventually.

Seriously. With population growth, this has to eventually become the only option.

Now playing

I was so impressed with Bruce Lee movies that I learned to crack my fingers just by flexing them independently. My wife is not impressed (she's disgusted, actually). But then I also can't help but crack her toes while we're watching TV. I don't know why but it's so satisfying.

it may be better at getting debris and dirty off of your hands than cold water

Grorp promised no one would ever know!

They may have grit, or they may not. It has nothing to do with having a "rough personality" or how you treat others, just that you're the type of person who sees things through to the end without being distracted or dissuaded. That doesn't immediately imply asshole behaviour, though often people that are driven are

Coins are notoriously dirty. My inner child would love to dive into that, but my inner germaphobe would never let me.

They're going to be all the rage.


I love the Chimays. Never thought about aging it though, will try that!

It's actually not that far off... we can already 3D print ears with blood vessels and everything. How long until other organs, or a full, living sex doll is printed out?

It probably means anyone around them is getting lethal radiation doses as well. Friends, family... hopefully they didn't bring that shit home.

Personally I think it should say:

I live in Canada and though we use metric for everything, I still only understand my height in inches and my weight in pounds.

Seriously. My laptop crashed after my Applecare ran out, and they still helped me save my files and get it working again, for free.

Yeah, Facebook is one of the worst for comments, in general.