‘Cancel culture doesn’t exist’ always means ‘if cancel culture were real then anyone who was cancelled would disappear forever’.
‘Cancel culture doesn’t exist’ always means ‘if cancel culture were real then anyone who was cancelled would disappear forever’.
“Anya Taylor-Joy is a talented actor but also very off-putting and almost inhuman.”
“Or maybe Snyder is just a nice, cool guy and the people who know him have a lot of respect for him, and we should be less snarky about him and everything he does? Maybe that can be our resolution for 2024.”
Honest to god, people forget what made the original star wars interesting. Luke, the backwater farm boy is a stand in for a naive audience unfamiliar with the world he is about to enter. Think about the first time Obi-Wan trails about Anakin. He says the absolute barest minimum about him, the Clone Wars, all that.
I almost didn’t receive your post because of the Limp Bizkit inclusion, but then when I thought about what really makes a bad cover, one of the criteria for me would be it makes not only the song worse, but the band worse. And if you like Limp Bizkit, there’s nothing wrong with Behind Blue Eyes.
Maybe I’m missing something here, but this feels like it shouldn’t be allowed. If those people were actual BioWare employees, sure, but they’re not. They were employed by an outside company that contracted with BioWare.
I remember a time when liberals were allowed to laugh at jokes. BECAUSE THEY’RE JOKES. The joke is Lucille’s comment is she thinks the protestors are ruining the party, and Michael misunderstands and thinks she’s mad at her hairdresser. See, it’s a joke.
Oh my god again the idiots are out in full force with some form of “Comedian tells joke that’s fake, news at 11”.
Bro, I am just going to be honest, as I have read your reviews from the start.....you REALLY suck at your chosen profession. Enjoy your snarky little in jokes and decidedly self indulgent ability to shit on everything. You remind me of a “cool kid” in high school and a weirdly toxic SW fan in equal measure. Why even…
Johnny Storm should be/look the same age as Tom Holland’s Peter Parker. That is all.
Did Matt Smith kick your dog, or something?
Indiana Jones being a bit problematic is basically tradition.
The AV Club is making cracks about something starting strong but ultimately turning into a pile of shit? Welp, that’s enough irony for today.
I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.
>the consistently unfunny Bob’s Burgers
Yes, but surely that’s the excerption.
But you see those were two different things: Gal was trying to do something nice and people shit all over her for it and I think it was Ellen who was saying about it equalizing things. Nobody said that in the Imagine video.
It’s not so much that Gal is a dork for doing the Imagine thing, it’s that the internet is full of assholes who will shit upon anything nice for the lulz and clicks.
“It feels like inventing problems where they didn’t exist.”
Laurel Lance suffered from what I call ‘Lana Lang syndrome” where a female character designated as the “love interest” for the show gets the short end of the stick if she’s not actively in the will they/won’t they melodrama. Emily Bett Rickards got lucky in that she had a defined role on the team before her romance…