
She’s extremely popular, in part because of her online presence, and large online fandoms end up being really, really nasty. Like everything else, Swift fans are probably a mix of people who actually feel that way, people who pretend to feel that way because for the sake of attention/chaos, and people who want to go

Honestly it’s been very striking how dismissive people have been toward Egyptian reactions to this in every single article. Like there is absolutely racism and antiblackness in North Africa, at the same time it seems remarkably shitty to lump Egyptians who push back about the portrayal of their own history in with

I mean, 2 things are true here:

“when nearly half of all marriages in the U.K. end in divorce”

“It wasn’t a big deal when Superman died”

Appropriating Cleopatra because they were focused on her only, and couldn't be bothered to research real black African queens. 

Ah yes, Keven Fiege, Kevin Feige’s non-union equivalent.

Oh god, now we’re using the term “nepo baby” to describe fake spies? That almost makes we want to give the show a try just to spite this article (and yes, I realize that neither the article or its writer care whether I actually give it a watch).

“Amir in his bedroom in Cairo wrote to me to earnestly appeal that ‘Cleopatra was Greek!’ Oh, Lawd! Why would that be a good thing to you, Amir? You’re Egyptian.”

Yeah, the pay gap is a real issue and a serious one. This is not an example of that. This is an example of a mega star getting paid much more than someone  who wasn't one.

I mean she’s been nominated for every major film acting award there is, and twice for most of them, so there are at least some people who disagree with you.

This is boring, and Harley Quinn should not be boring.  Looks like she just left a sale at Hot Topic.  

Someday--maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday--we will finally have run out of things to say about that stupid Justice League movie.

Does Joel go overboard in reclaiming Ellie: Yes.

Gonna be honest, this is a pretty wild read that makes me think the division caused by the ending will not be mitigated at all. Because to me, I was thinking during the finale: “Wow Joel comes off even worse here than in the game.” Especially because the show, for the most part, has avoided Joel being depicted as a

Chris Rock has been very rich and very famous for a very long time, and like most comedians in that position, he sticks by the perception that he’s an underdog. Like, he hosted the Oscars, arguably the most prestigious job in Hollywood, and he has a chip on his shoulder about Jada Pinkett Smith’s career.

It’s honestly an insane take on his part and all his quotes about the boycott have aged like milk. But of course he’s not gonna go after Spike Lee or Ryan Coogler...

We can’t bring ourselves to believe that moments like this represent anything more than a moral victory; demonstrations of hypocrisy only affect those inclined to shame.

Yes. Rihanna is a billionaire who owns a make-up empire. If she is doing this gig it’s because it’s worth her time.

I mean, look, my kid loves Harry Potter. She’s a kid. It’ll happen. She’ll probably want to play this game. I will probably let her play this game. I’m not going to saddle a barely pre-adolescent with a boatload of sociopolitical baggage because she wants to play a wizard pew pew game. I *will* have appropriate