I don’t deny that the issue exist, I’m saying that this was a very bad example of it. The video compares her salary with Douglas’, which is meaningless.
I don’t deny that the issue exist, I’m saying that this was a very bad example of it. The video compares her salary with Douglas’, which is meaningless.
The “pay gap” issue is for actors who are in a comparative position in their career. Pair up an unknown actor with Emma Stone and he’s gonna earn only a fraction of her salary also, as he should.
I see a lot of “the actors were not to blame, it was Lucas’ fault” in the comments. I get what people are trying to say but this is the wrong thing to say in this specific context. Harassing someone just because you didn’t like his performance is always taking things too far, whether the artist was actually bad or…
When people first started to complain about Marvel’s VFX, some reports mentioned that Alonso was so powerful she could blacklist people out of the industry if she didn’t like them or their work. If this is true, this is awful behavior and I’m glad she lost her job.
They didn’t try really hard. Gaga probably has more eccentric costumes in her closet...
To be fair, she is a person of color in the show.
Good guy. Not a really good actor though. There’s a few of the “good” performances in this list that I would easily have qualified as bad. He can play the stoic action hero well, but that’s pretty much. It’s commendable that someone who has been famous for so long could still be a decent and well-adjusted human being,…
The sequel definitely looks more generic than the first film. They should have gone with Mr. Mind as a villain. He might be silly, but is “silly” wrong in a franchise aimed at kids? It’s also a perfect example of the DCEU trying too hard to have a shared universe like Marvel. SHAZAM is a character that works a lot…
This is the most ridiculous thing about this take. He said “The White Stripes” as if they were more than a 2-person band. Take away Ringo from the Beatles, and you still have John, Paul & George. They’ve only done music together with Ringo as a drummer (well, Pete Best barely counts), so you can imagine a different…
The passage of time has made me look at the ending in a different light.
I find the concept of giving awards for art broken at its core, especially when people are starting to take it seriously. You can give a gold medal to a sprinter because the other runners were on the same race and one was definitely faster, but how do you compare two actors in different movies playing different roles?…
I don’t think the effects were that bad, although I could understand why some people would not like the look of MODOK, for example.
I agree it’s not a zombie show, but the context of it is still a zombie apocalypse. In a video game, if you have one action scene where you have to kill a few zombies, you can spend a lot more time than you can on a TV show which makes those scenes more impactful, and it’s the same for the quiet scenes. This 9…
I loved every episode of this season, but now that it’s almost over, I feel like it would have benefited from at least one more episode, preferably one with infecteds (we haven’t seen that many for a zombie show, especially one that won’t last very long) and that focuses more on Joel and Ellie (who have been apart as…
Making a joke about someone’s appearance, no matter the reason, can be a dangerous line to toe, but if he had come out and said “I didn’t know she had a condition when I made the joke”, I would’ve let it go, especially since what Smith did to him was way out of line. Now, though, he looks like he’s doubling down on…
So I did some jokes about him. That’s how it is. She starts it, I finish it. OK? That’s what happened. Nobody’s picking on this bitch. She started this shit. Nobody was picking on her. She said me, a grown-ass man, should quit his job because her husband didn’t get nominated. And then [he] gives me a concussion.…
I agree. Purchased studio or not, no one can make a game without Square Enix’ approval, and each project has to be green-lit every step of the way. I am pretty sure SE imposed the live-service model for Marvel’s Avengers.
I don’t know why they needed the Winnie the Pooh license if they weren’t going to make them plush animals anyway.
This is some good news. If the network is willing to invest in a good writer/showrunner, then they’re probably making a serious attempt at creating something good. I wish Vikander would come back, but as a TV show, it’s probably less likely.
Despite the fact that her hiring got a lot of press - she was handpicked by Craig, and she is famous in her own right - she was very open about NTTD not being her script. I think she was just hired to do some polishing.