
Raiders of the Lost Ark and the first 2 Star Wars films have way more artistic value than most other films released the same year. I don’t think the Marvel films have reached that kind of quality so far - or even the quality of The Dark Knight - but it’s not the genre’s fault. It’s good that Olsen gets that.

It’s not optimal but she’s recognizable enough. She’s easier to recognize than Karen Gillan as Nebula, who is as incognito as one can be..

When Raimi directed Spider-Man in 2002, it felt like a Hollywood iconoclast getting to bring his manic creativity to a prestige property, a perfect pairing of artist and subject.

I was a fan of that show early on but the quality started dipping pretty quickly. I’m surprised they would even try to revive that show. It’s not like it was canceled too quickly and what happened to the cast after is not exactly happy. There’s the Masterson issue, and also Lisa Robin Kelly and Tanya Roberts both

This story is less about celebrities than about “Reality” TV shows, which is still a horrible genre that shouldn’t exist. When one or two subjects lie about their wealth, it’s on them. When pretty much everyone lies, and the one person who didn’t lie was told he should, then it’s very much on the people making the

Honestly, I consider this good news; the Spider-Man movies were a mess narratively, and were over-reliant on cameos. Whoever becomes in charge should focus on introducing its heroes properly first before trying to dump the whole MCU on them. I would also wait before using Doctor Doom; following the Dark Knight model

Between the cartoony Sea of Thieves, the comedic Monkey Island games, and the good-but-trapped-by-its-formula AC: Black Flag game, it feels like there’s room for a pirate-themed, story-based single player game that is up for the taking. I would play the heck out of a game that is Uncharted, but with pirates.

Spielberg denied he fired her.

We’re getting another round of “never bet against James Cameron”, but honestly... Avatar may have made a lot of money but it could be the worst film he’s ever made. It’s so forgettable. You could’ve asked me ten minutes ago which film are the characters Jake Sully and Neytiri part of, and I would never have been able

They’ll unionize, and Keywords will have to offer their demands to Bioware, who would be under no legal obligation to accept the offer and just go with a different temp agency.

The title makes it look like it’s a BioWare issue, and it really isn’t.

It shouldn’t change anything directly for the companies dealing with Keywords; they pay for services and Keywords provide them. The contract between them also means that the terms can’t be changed by either party midway through. Worst case scenario, they may have to pay a little more for future contracts if Keywords

That’s why I said he made his name, not his fortune. He was already rich.

Let’s pause a moment and just say how great it is to see Hank and Cristobal in an adult, loving relationship which is not portrayed as a joke. In previous seasons, Hank’s flamboyance was simply his excessively polite nature, and his breathless bromance with Cristobal a puppyish fixation, but there was always a

I find it quite remarkable that someone who made his name producing eco-friendly technology could turn into an enemy of the left and a hero to the right. You would think that at least the latter would concern him.

The show’s golden years ended before Eilish was even born. It’s going to take more than that to make The Simpsons be cool again.

Some have rightfully pointed out that this situation differs a little, as Villanelle herself was a vicious murderer. However, she still did not receive a death worthy of her character, as is usually the case.

Maybe he wasn’t aware of the online discourse as much as what was said in the medias but it was pretty awful there as well, and it’s a continuation of that that happened for the sequels.

The Streisand Effect should be renamed the Depp Effect. He was still able to star in the Fantastic Beast franchise even after the allegations first appeared, and his name is so much bigger than Heard’s that, combined with the misogyny of Hollywood and the world in general, it’s easy to imagine the story completely

But around 2016 or so, the internet became obsessed with yelling about and just endlessly analyzing Star Wars