
The diagnosis for autism goes much further than shyness and block staking. That said, like any neurological disorder, there are varying degrees of severity. I tend to be of the opinion that we all have inklings of these disorders, and some people are simply affected much more severely.

To be fair OSX doesn't maximize a window. The green button will only fit to the content, so if you move to a webpage in Safari that is wider than the one you were in, you'll need to hit that button again to enlarge the window and fit the wider content.

...First, this is a pre-release. Not everything is going to work, and definitely not all drivers will be available. If you install it with any higher expectations, you don't understand what "Preview" means. Second, the whole "Start Menu" thing was also unintuitive when it was introduced, and I'm sure it took many a

Screenshots don't do it justice, as the dynamic nature of the tiles are what bring them to life. I love the clean look, the modern design, and the chromeless functionality of the overall design language. Even so, to be honest, I wasn't sold on the particular look of the start screen of Windows 8. You know what though?

Sam, you forgot "Share Contracts", which to me, represent the most interesting innovation in Windows 8. It gives any app the ability to interact with any other app that has the contract in place. Never mind built-in facebook or twitter integration... This will give the OS integration with every app that the user

That leather calendar app is the native app... I don't think you CAN uninstall it.

HBO would do well to learn from App Stores - If you make your content easily obtainable, give it a reasonable (low) price tag, you WILL make more money. Just look at the money Rokio rakes in! Many pirate to avoid paying a cent. Most pirate because it's simply more convenient.

Good point! It's fairly safe to assume that at some point in the future, we will only need to carry a single CPU, with all our other devices acting only as peripherals - bigger screen, physical keyboard and mouse, APSC camera sensor, extra battery life, etc.

With the exception that a live tile can also be a shortcut to a discreet part of an app, and not just the launcher to it. For example, I have a "tech news" tile that live-updates for tech news and launches immediately into the tech section of my Google Reader app.

Android still won't integrate with Facebook, even in ICS (the setting to do so is still broken, AFAIK). A lot of these features are on Windows Phone though. It's actually interesting to see each platform bring its own strengths and features. Makes for a nice competitive landscape that will push innovation. Hope WP7

Yeah... The author of the Chromium blog either didn't do his research or is being disingenuous. The matter as it stands is that NO app can be installed on the "classic" desktop in WinRT. Which, as these will be almost all tablets, isn't much of a concern. There is nothing restricting Google from creating Chrome for

The 3G was the second generation... (named, I'm guessing, for the 3G band) Their naming system seems to be decided on a whim which each new model.

Why a headphone jack at the bottom is better: you can put your phone in your pocket upside down, so that when you pick it up, it is right side up without you having to turn it around.

That's a lot better than how factories butcher chickens... I agree though. In modern culture, too many people eat meat without a thought to the animal that died for you to eat it. I'm lucky I grew up fishing and hunting, but many are never exposed to the reality of procuring food. It doesn't help that meats from cow

Upgrading from 7 to 8 doesn't make much sense. What does make sense are all the new form factors that Windows 8 will enable. I'm a bit torn right now, because I need to replace my laptop, and I'm wondering if I should go with a Transformer type configuration. The keyboard would essentially become its dock!

What exactly is frustrating to you? I shared your feelings early on, but since the RP, I find myself actually liking the whole Metro thing. I use the Weather app or the live tile in the morning, I use the mail tile to tell me when I have new emails, and there are already a few really nice apps.

I think it DOES look silly at a business meeting to be touch-typing (using all two index fingers) instead of simply bringing a notepad or a laptop. New technology is cool, but it doesn't have to fit in every situation.

Here's the thing though. You can connect a notebook to a TV or projector without needing an Apple TV or a special app, and you most likely would take years to save enough on paper cost to justify the price of an iPad. I really don't see how an iPad is a better choice than a notebook for a business.

....and from what I've seen, they probably all fiddle with expensive third party keyboard cases that turn the iPad into the world's most expensive smartbook. Add to that the fact that it doesn't run Office documets and you can't install apps that bypass the App store, and the enterprise story seems more grim. I like

I wholeheartedly agree with this rant. Couldn't have voiced it better. (DIE MS POINTS, DIE!!)