
At one point, Agent Orange was sprayed along the roads in Northern Ontario where I grew up. Yeah. Ban the hell out of pesticides, the results aren't worth the harm caused.

So they were working on a roof that had structural damage, on top of a tank of acid? To work on any industrial facility roof you need to be tied off. I can't see how something like this can happen. Terrible...

They may have sold more Android devices, but app revenue is still hugely lagging iOS. Obviously there are probably many factors contributing to this, but app quality and consistency must certainly be one of them, at least to a small extent.

I can't tell you which car will be involved in an collision in two days time, but from past records, analysing patterns, we can predict with a certain level of certainty the number of collision that will occur this year. When the year is over, we will see how closely our number was matched and revise our model

Wow... A few downfall in the reasoning here. First, wind turbines don't blow air, they slow it down by absorbing the dynamic energy of the air flowing past its blades - an inverse fan if you will. Second, fans don't cool down anything at all. They just move air around. A breeze feels cool to your skin only because it

Right... But in this case, the source material is still 24 fps. The TV might be artificially increasing the frame rate, but this is absolutely not the case in The Hobbit, where the original content is filmed at 48 fps.

Seriously? I can't tell the number of times I've noticed the jarring effect that 24fps has on fast (typically horizontal) panning shots. To me, anything that will make the experience more realistic and more immersive is a good thing. I can only imagine that these complaints are in the same vein as complaints that

I believe the colours were indeed inspired by the publishing industry's inks that make up colour prints. A CMYK selection could be a very real possibility!

Have you seen people use their iPads in the wild? Especially at work, they gain at least another 10mm with the bulky case+keyboard that this device would replace. Though you have the ability to remove it from the case, I haven't seen anyone do this day-to-day.

Every tablet I've seen in the workplace has been shoved into a thick keyboard case. There is clearly a huge need for an experience as mobile, quick and simple as a tablet but that doesn't forgo the power and versatility of a traditional notebook. An enterprise version of this will sell in the millions.

The problem with screenshots of the Metro design is that they're static. WP7, for example, is significantly more likable in person. I really like the concept behind Metro - pure minimal digital form. I just think it could be greatly enhanced from what it is now, specifically on the start screen. Why is it so dark

@Make.Sense, thanks for the interesting discussion! I'm Canadian, and from what you're saying, it sounds as though our system is somewhere in between European and American systems, leaning towards higher taxes, though our sales tax is only at 13% in my province. Post secondary schooling isn't free but is heavily

Congratulations on the birth of your son! Here's something you will soon have trouble remembering ever existed: nights of uninterrupted sleep.

I really love these articles. It's so easy to take for granted the history and innovation that lead to the refinements in common tools that we use every day, how every component has seen refinements and leaps as new materials are made available, new manufacturing techniques developed.

I agree with that, but then why can you read a book, but not an ereader? These rules need updates.


I can't imagine how annoying this is for flight attendants who have to actually enforce these ridiculous rules that have no explanation or reason for being at all.

Last weekend, I somehow revived my laptop's non-functional video card by baking it at 350F for 8 min, which I thought was the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Give it away to people who are lazy or stupid" Yes, because you are either obscenely rich or lazy and stupid. Because no one in the world is suffering and dying, for reasons beyond their control, where a tiny fraction of this money could save lives. Because honestly, that kind of the thinking is so incredibly selfish

Actually, hardware quality is getting closer with the latest Ultrabook crop (except for touchpad, Apple still reigns supreme here) but mostly, Windows 8 looks to be a much closer collaboration with OEMs, and performance will likely be much better on PCs built for it than it will be on Apple's hardware.