
How are any of those the cyclist’s fault?

Opinions on the matter aside, why was this bill passed right now? Like were man hours being wasted on ticketing cyclists blazing through red lights and stop signs? Nobody who owns a bike has to read any sort of “rules of the road” pamphlet before they get out there, so just curious why even make this something that

Biking next to cars is stupid as hell. Bunch of damn idiots. Take it to the bike trails you darwin ass idiots.

They were not thought of as even stop signs before so this means nothing.

I predict this will be adopted flawlessly by everyone.

Can’t think of a single way this will go wrong.

yeah CDOT saw that Colorado drivers generally blast through red lights and stop signs at 100 miles an hour and decided to give cyclists a merciful option to get out of the way. I co-sign.

When I bike around I try not to run red lights but sometimes the benefits in safety really does outweight the risks. What I find

At the stop sign at the end of my block cars treat the stop as a yield sign over 60% of the time and nearly 100% of the time when traffic is light. It is not a bike or car thing. It is a people thing. People don’t like to stop if they think they can get away with rolling through. The big difference is that the cyclist

ND just for being a dick about the sale price and rubbing our face in it. 

I have nothing against flipping cars for a quick profit. Given the market for air-cooled 911s, and the overall used car market, this might be able to fetch 20% more than it sold for less than a year ago.

Given the number of murders in general in this country, I am astonished that it is as low as that. Seems like a job where you are putting yourself out there everytime you go far more so than the average office drone, even with the rise of workplace shooters.

I mean, of course it did. People have been clamoring for a small, cheap truck for ages. This is a small, (possibly) cheap truck. It also offers genuine advantages over full or mid-size trucks. Mid sizers are still a bit large and cumbersome when it comes time to navigate a parking garage. They don’t deliver enough of

Imagine how pissed the guy in 10F was after finding out he got hit in the head by a 3-roper...

What the hell is wrong with people 

My VW alltrack is amazing. Its efficient, reliable, roomy, and good in the snow. I’m not really sure what else I could ask for. I wanted the space of a crossover, without driving a crossover and at the time it was a better value proposition than the outback. I’d buy another VW in a heartbeat. Going on 75k now. My last

So you’re reduced to whining about the party NOT in power?

Prius starts at $25k. Bigger, longer range and holds more than a Leaf. To be honest, between 60mpg and 100mpg, the cost difference is not much. And you don’t need 5 hours to charge on long distance.

They have solved the fire problem, but still need to put new batteries in *tons* of cars.  So the fix is complete, but there’s still a bunch of manufacturing and installing to do.

Hybrids keep looking better and better for the foreseeable future. 

Really missed a chance to make this into a slideshow for each individual car.