
Who raised the generations of worker that somehow think that they can equally negotiate with large corporations and do a better job than collective bargaining? Oh that’s right, my friends that hate their at-will jobs that they work all the time at and for low pay and no benefits. (sure this will get nasty comments)

My buddy works for them. They’re delivering in regular cars a lot of the time now because their fleet can’t keep up with demand but their workforce can.

It makes me so happy to see pieces of the Oldsmobile Alero live on. 

There is a way to make hydrogen cheap... which will likely never happen.

A mountain bike with road bike tires is pretty much the perfect vehicle

100%. I can choose my risk factor when mountain biking. Obviously there is risk, but I can choose to push my boundaries, or walk a steep rock garden.

I love that last line and will use it. It perfectly sums up all that is wrong with high-viz and cyclist safety precautions spouted by municipalities and police.

Everything here is correct, but also, I can’t advise enough that if you tend toward automotive hoarding, don’t marry someone with the same tendency.

This is some excellent advice I’ll ignore.

I’ve been really happy about the switch to mountain biking (though I miss the sheer speed of an open-smooth road). There’s something about mountain biking that is similar to downhill skiing, where your brain needs to go into full concentration on reading/reacting to the situation. Love it.

During the Freezepocalypseᵀᴹ last February our gas range was the only thing keeping us from literally freezing to death. No, we weren’t using it to heat the house because that would be deadly but we were using it sporadically to boil water or make soup that we could consume to keep our core body temps up while the

What?! Let your existing ICE products finish out their life cycle to amortize R&D/tooling, and continue to offer a lower-cost option while EVs are still expensive up-front and production constrained by battery production? That’s crazy talk! Block plate renewals for non-EVs, starting yesterday, that will spur the

Not to mention they are selling every one they build.   At least at the present moment.

Stop victim blaming someone who was killed by a negligent driver. Jesus christ.

Have you tried an induction stove? IME it’s just as good as gas.

No, they aren’t. Gas stoves are better than electric resistance stoves, but induction stoves are superior to gas. I have a 120v induction hot plate thing that cost me $40 and it boils water in half the time as the largest burner on my gas stove. The 240v induction ranges are even better. There’s really no reason to

“I’m sure plenty of people have good reasons to buy a GMC Acadia. Well, they think they do.”


Yeah, this just sounds like an old person who probably shouldn’t be driving anymore.