
Counterpoint: truck nutz installed on anything that’s not a truck are hilarious

I definitely liked the price on a used Continental, but it was still about 10 000 over what I wanted to pay.

The thieves have “kill switches.” You just have to hit them in one, and they stop stealing cars forever.

Or buy a car that isn’t known to be so easy to steal that 12yo’s are doing it.

possibly, but the thiefs will still destroy your ignition switch, steering column, and door lock in the process. You’d be better off with good insurance and a low deductible or moving away from places this happens regularly

~71hp 60tq

the prior GTI with 220hp had identical acceleration to the WRX if you exclude the WRX 0-15mph launch.  GTI had a higher trap speed than the WRX and the new one is quicker.  Its likely the new GTI is significantly quicker than the new WRX for everything but 0-15mph launches

High pricing coupled with low power output will lead to low sales, which will lead to it eventually being axed. And Honda will be like, “There wasn’t any demand for manual performance sedans.” All the while GTIs and WRXs continue to sell well.

I couldn’t find a Civic Si within reasonable dealer swap distance so I bought a Kia Forte GT for $22K last December. I feel like I got a huge bargain considering it’s similar HP, weight, performance and quality. I’ve had it on the track and it was more than decent. $6K is a pretty huge gap... for what? Maybe a little

Yeah, this seems like a really, really shitty choice by Honda.

Don’t forget the Mazda3 turbo in this segment as well. If you don’t mind an automatic, it’s a fantastic car, sedan or hatchback, and in sedan form it’s close to the pricepoint of the WRX/GTI/Si.

When my wife and I were still driving to work every day I did some math on what the car was saving us. It was like $1000's a year. Charging at work was free and charging at home costs about $1. So we were spending around $5 a week for electricity. I haven’t looked at what used Volts and Bolts are now lately but they

if there had been a comparable mileage WRX for $200 more, I absolutely would have gone Subaru.

The updated GTI comes in at $29,545, only a $2,245 jump from the Si; pricing hasn’t been announced for the new WRX, but the outgoing model is a mere $200 more than the Si.

I spent a week with a V8 K900 back in 2014 to review. I was impressed with the car (it drove like a Town Car with a lot more power) and Kia’s attempt to punch above its weight, but wondered who would buy the car? They ran into the same wall VW did with the Phaeton; economy brand selling a lux sedan. 

They probably bought then for the price of a used Accord or Camry. 

These were probably 5000 mile “new” demo units driven by the dealer principal or their spouse, who now has a Telluride.

5th gear: Toyota was one of (if not the) first Japanese automakers to set up shop in the US using union labor, and they suffered the consequences after the NUMMI fiasco and witnessing the inability of other union plants to pick up on the improvements they made to their own. It took years (and many rounds of employees

my dad made sure i knew one thing when i got my license:

Guess again, Twinkle Toes!  This is Florida.