
Good. Maybe people can learn to back up without them again. If you’re not allowed to use it on a driving test you probably shouldn’t using them in general

Umm, the Chevrolet Spark (THE CAR SHOWN IN THE LEAD PIC) starts under $15k, and is still going strong as a 2022 model without any reported plans to discontinue it.

On behalf of everyone outside of your car - it doesn’t sound better.
Note to everyone here: modifying your exhaust to make your car louder does not make you cool - it makes you dickish.

On a particularly long drive up the CA coast, I noticed a vibrating and rubbing sound every time I turned right, but everything seemed fine. A few more stops later and I realized that the front wheel arch covers were loose and were being blown by the wind into the tire, so they were melting from friction.

I was on the market for an X5 diesel with the comfort seats, a black interior, and blue or black on the outside and were only half a dozen options across the entire country.”

Fumoto Valve and saying “here kitty kitty”

And also, just to play devil’s advocate here, but to make the same amount of money by selling fewer things, you need higher margins on the things you do sell.

Right! When faced with a limited supply of Component X, a component that is shared among a handful of similar products, I am going to prioritize supply of Component X to the most profitable product line. Especially if that’s the product demanded of the market.

car companies are still making money hand over fist prioritizing high-profit-margin vehicles and leaving everything else on the to-do-list.

Exactly. And do you remember how fast your bus was driving? Probably a 100 (kph), as busses are not allowed to go faster. Even on unrestricted parts of the Autobahn. Same thing for (cargo) trucks, except that their limit is 80. They usually drive 90 kph, I believe they have a speed governor that physically limits

You are right about fuel economy. But you don’t feel like you’re in full control when driving over 100 kph/62 mph? Unless your reference point is something ancient that is not maintained properly, I believe this statement says more about you as a driver than about other drivers and cars.

So ban British tourists then.

it seems ridiculous that a party that won 11.5 percent of the vote could prevent a policy wanted by 60 percent of people.

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.

The steer-by-wire system also eliminates annoying vibration from the road that normally transmits through a mechanical steering column.”

This one seems easy. Plymouth Prowler:

they’re all evil


At that range, no we don’t. 250 miles or go home.

Drive it like a hot hatch and you’re probably lucky to get 60 miles out of it.