
r/justrolledintotheshop is quite the entertainment hotspot with people coming in with fudge-y oil with 40-60k between changes

There’s some business you just don’t want. Like customers that feel particularly antagonized by this and feel the need to still be angry at this bar after they removed the sign and apologized. 

I think the service manual was also the insulator that caught on fire. 

Not sure I see a need to make this a bigger deal than it has already become. They put out a bad joke, got called out, then made what seems like a honest and open apology that appears sincere.

Better Headline: Butthurt Bikers Bash Bar

If the pro-union crowd is going to be this dishonest, why should I side with them during their strike? How do I know they’re telling the truth about working conditions or benefits or anything else?

If they do retract it, they’ll do it quietly and without an equally polarizing headline, so the damage is already done.

Because I’m not needlessly speculating on motivation or what “might have happened”. I’m not bringing in unrelated points like deaths during protests last summer. I’m not writing a headline that is factually incorrect (the man was walking to the picket line, not standing on it).

I realize this site has an agenda to uphold, but does every single headline and post need to be so misleading?

It is the crown of the road so in the rain, it holds the least water. The downside is there is no escape route. On many roads around me, the left lane only has a guard rail, no shoulder/breakdown lane so thats just as dangerous as middle.

People who put their flashers on during heavy rain. Makes me want to commit murder. It has been scientifically proven that all your flashers do is make it impossible for people behind you to properly gauge following distance because it messes up your depth perception.

The base C8 would be quite sufficient for the purpose of losing my license.

Now how much does an engine replacement at 100k cost?

Related, don’t let anyone tell you that “Real enthusiasts never need ABS.”

You can get a ticket for impeding traffic. Here in MA it is a $20 fine.

Not illegal, but speed differential is dangerous whether you are driving faster or slower than the flow of traffic. Its safest to maintain flow

Definitely. The really wealthy people I know drive old Volvos.

Never ever take your car anywhere near redline because that’s somehow bad for it.

What does the title even mean? Why are you afraid? Please, tell us Erik.

Alternatively, premium is better for cars that don’t needs it.