
Damn. Just piss in my Cheerios, whydontcha?

It’s easy to simply break out the two. I’ve found many a Yaris with less miles and newer for under 6k. Found one for 4k. Let’s pretend this one is everything you could want for its mileage and condition and give it a 5k value. That’s not a NP value, just an average at best value

So is the motorhome worth 27.5k. 22 year

My W124 was definitely not a great car.

Wow, I’m humbled that my E90 suggestion got picked - and out of the greys too :) Any chance someone could approve me so I’m not grey anymore?

I don’t understand the point of your comment. Are you opposed to parental leave?

Check. I have done things in my Golf R which the county would frown upon in the presence of Caymans, but while also carrying an oaken coffee table.

Honda engines tend to be oil-thirsty, so as long as you keep them hydrated they should last quite a while. Also, you shouldn’t see needing to rebuild an engine as a failure; it’s a wear part just like any other.

The problem with these cars is that they are just a less useful GTI/Golf R with a luxury badge. I’d much rather have the hatchback version, which also gives me a third pedal option.

That’s not “sipping!” That’s not sipping at all! That’s downing a Super Big Gulp in one swallow!

Because no one bats an eye at a 70K diesel truck, but a 10 year old mercedes is “look at that rich asshole”.

Bob the builder probably writes everything off and is in the 85th or higher percentile of income and is doing just fine. 

Meh. 17 year olds can go into the armed forces.

Looks like the Typical Bro-Dozer on the Interstate

Smart move because consumers are like, “Hatchback? Ew, no thanks. Crossover? Oooh, ahhhh. Me wanty, so rugged, much capable.”

All of which you can get on a GTI - with more power, to boot.

There is nothing cool about sTAnCe nAtiOn.  Never has been.  

As long as the price stays low, a 200-horsepower Civic Si won’t be irrelevant.

Instead everyone here thinks my Golf Alltrack is just a mom car.

Golf Alltrack, you mean the Aldi Quattro?

Damn fine wagons. Agree with nitrousbird though, very poor choice for the main pic.