
Go suck on a tailpipe and see if you feel fine afterwards. The driver DID intend to harm them”

I intend to harm anyone who willfully rolls coal next to me, especially if my windows are down and my child onboard.

Intent will likely be a big part of this case. If they can successfully argue that he was intimidating these cyclists he could get more serious charges, and that is likely going to be a big part of the DA's case.

In Texas, the appropriate charge is Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon”.

Same penalty range as “attempted murder” (Second degree felony, 2-20 years in prison), but usually a much easier case to make in court.

It does make me wonder how much the affluence/relative power of the cyclists has to do with this. People that buy and use expensive bikes like the ones pictured in the first story are much more likely to have connections themselves, to lawyers and officials outside of the small-town mentality.

I dont know where you got the whole rear wheels loosing traction causes a fail from. if you look at the Teslas passed test he definatly lost traction on the rear wheels. but the tesla also managed to do the complete manouver without flipping over the cones.

you got it the point of the test is to go through the first “square of cones” then sverve over to the other lane and go throught the second “square of cones” and then back to the first land and through the third “square of cones” without pushing over the cones. So if he applied countersteer he wouldnt have been able

Is the driver not supposed to countersteer in this circumstance? Looking at the wheel, it never turns to the left after the slide starts - its never going to get back on course like that

But, at the present time, the state police force has received just a single resignation.

the Mass State PoPo are massively corrupt (shocking, I know). would you expect the union representing those corrupt fuckers to be any better?

There are dozens divided by dozens of them.

Vibrations from off balance wheels and tires probably don’t affect a load of lumber on a utility trailer too much.

Minivans hands down. Perfect height to ease ingress/egress (don’t have to climb in or out of it) with wide sliding doors. Plenty of charging ports and room for stuff and multiple cup holders per-person. 

Just adds weight to a performance car and I bet is noticeably less stiff than its hardtop counterparts.

The phone is cool. The top kinda reminds me of a broken umbrella. ND

Lies and slander.

There’s no way a Civic Si handles better than a GTI, unless you’re referring to MK3-MK4 generations. The MK5/6 will annihilate a Civic SI, and the MK7 is leagues above anything in its class. The Civic Si is a good value, and reliability is okay (with this new Turbo engine) so far, but it’s getting long in the tooth.

Not since the MKV GTI came out.

As I’ve said in other articles, this industry is ripe for a large scale industrial manufacture to come in and wreck up the place. 

I own a 30' travel trailer and still take just my Chevy Express 3500 when going by myself.