
This comment chain explains exactly why the idea of “small trucks” in the US is a losing battle. You have to want a small truck for the merits of a smaller vehicle, not because it makes economical sense.

Make it less ugly. Make it easier to see out of.  Maybe pay a bit more attention to Dodge and Ford and see why their competitors aren’t suffering the same sales problems.

You want everything that does everything unsatisfactorily? Here you go.

Read no farther than “diesel” and mashed the ND.

Some Honda’s (I think the CRZ) had green-blue-red, and the red was when you were really hooning that 100hp car.

Where are the people tweeting out how low their score can get? That would be my group.

Lots of people jumping in here about affluenza or whiteness getting him off when it appears to be a matter of legality.

I’m guessing the triathlete community in Waller, TX isn’t exactly made up of a diverse swath of humanity. These cyclists are mostly well-off white men.

Judging by the bikes, I’m guessing a number of them probably are top lawyers.

When Haiti has a better electrical grid than your state, the arguments that you’re not a “failed state” KINDA go out the window...

Well, no one died, so manslaughter might be a bit of hard case to prove. 

From the state that introduced us to “affluenza” via another 16 year old driver.

That’s honestly all I really cared about tbh 

Dog update: 1 year-old golden doodle “Chewy” treated for minor injuries, doing well.

Just because it’s competitive in something of a vacuum, doesn’t mean the big 3 aren’t intensely competitive amongst themselves for full size trucks, and now nid-sizers.

Yes, tired of Colorado being a cross section of these people and van-lifers constantly accidentally setting forests on fire or completely destroying natural sites (whether it’s constantly rolling off of mountain trails or overwhelming hiking trails with their dogs shitting everywhere)

Quietly the NCs are the best of the four but I am also 6'3"

“The day a car manufacturer designs a minivan to look like a lowered Suburban or Navigator and not like a minivan, will be the day minivans start selling in the super large numbers again (I think).”

If this isn’t the feature’s official name, I’m filing a bug report

People can still use the feature incorrectly no matter what its called. If i put a waterbottle on my wheel, I can defeat the torque monitoring on my wheel and my car can drive itself with LKAS and ACC. Does that make VW at fault?