
I think he should just call it “Not Full Self Driving ;) 42069"

4th Gear: Oh yay. The government who left Americans and billions in military equipment behind in Afghanistan is going to play chip logistics for the car industry now.  This will go great.

Given that Volvo has idled and slowed multiple production lines and sent press releases when it did, the reputation for honesty in car salespeople remains unchanged. 

Exactly. My father was shopping for a new volvo for my mom and asked about the chip shortage and the salesman says: “We’re owned by a Chinese company, there is no chip shortage for us”. Obviously that may not be 100% true but I could see them having an easier time procuring chips

this is why you should only buy manual BMW’s. 

It was in front of his garage he wasn’t hitting it at speed. It’s possible it was just a shitty speed bump. 

I’ve had plastic liners in trucks forever. No rust issues. They are nice if you want to slide things in and out - unfortunately that’s also their worst attribute - things slide around in them.

“The WRX was already almost off the list because it’s way underpowered compared to other cars in it’s price range and market.”

Everyone here is mad about crossoverification, sure. But take a car that literally is meant to run on dirt, and give it some cladding, and everyone loses it.

Think about what you may need to carry that is heavier than 1500lbs.

An his wild redneck cousin is Honda Powersports.

I’m guessing some USA-based Marketing wanker decided that black, white, and gray were “safer” and more likely to be sold than if they also built some in that light blue color (which I would prefer), red, and...maybe even some other color(s) like yellow or green.

Man, I bet there are tons of people that overpaid for their Bronco to be FIRST that are so pissed right now, knowing that next year, theirs won’t even be the best one.

You call it Casual Encounters, I call it Hookers with Internet Access.  There was a lot of interpersonal entrepreneurship going on in there.  It was pretty grisly.

I’d rather a GTI than either of them. I need AWD like I need a couple of ex wives.


No. He works for Subaru.

I like the idea of a trailer, but I don’t really have the good room to park one. Therefore, it’s either multiple trips for me, or I pay for delivery. If I pay for delivery, I usually go too big, because many materials get cheaper by the yard as you go up in volume, at least up to a side-dumper’s single-trip capacity...

Don’t forget that many advertised payload ratings also decrease as factory packages are added. The only sure way to tell is by looking at the sticker on the door jamb, which often sports a much lower number than the advertised payload due to option packages, rear axle ratios, engine package, etc.

Oh look, you tried to coin a new nickname.