
It’s jalopnik. Facts are not really important. Clickbait sells ads. 

I’m not sure if I 100% agree with the pickup-in-the-snow comment. Yes, the weight balance is not as good, but I currently have a pickup and an alltrack, both of which run snow tires. I find the truck to be better in the snow because of weight. The rear has a limited slip to deal with any traction loss but the truck

“I have nothing against three-rows per se,” he said, “but the second we did do that you guys would be asking what was the differentiation to to the XC90. .

And if that is not enough, put a hitch on it and tow a tree

au contraire

Lot of No Dice here, but this car will be worth more than $22k in 5 years. 

Forget the vitamins, they don’t work. Get an oximeter off Amazon for $30 instead. 

The Apple Car will revolutionize the automotive industry with features that have existed in other vehicles for years. 

out of seeming spite at half their populations

I just hope that they don’t see this as an opportunity to bring back Apple Maps for the nav system.

What’s really going to piss people off is when they buy that new Apple Car and find out that their old charger doesn’t work with it.

I’m looking forward to my Apple Car’s 4 year planned obsolescence. I assume it will just go slower and slower until it completely stops working and I have to trade it in for $40 towards a new one.

I always found it disturbing that Americans would buy someTHING that was so blatantly an homage to the Nazi Jeep. It just didn’t seem right then, still bothers me to this day.

He thinks making up his own word for crossovers, and then using it for SUVs too, will catch on at some point.

The fun thing about having money is that it lets you buy things other than a Crown Victoria. 

As the kids would say, “ikr”

Sorry about losing your job. Well, not really. One less careless truck driver on the road.

Millennial homeownership is close to 50% and rising fast.

I think you should edit that headline. The bridge didn’t destroy the cars. The jackass driving the truck did.

Also reads like a rent trap with no path to equity. Gen Z beware.