
Interesting, and someplace I am happy to have other people live in. I  like having a car and space to work on it so I will remain in the unenlightened semi-rural hinterland where I  can have 3000 square foot garage next to my 1000 square foot house.  

I really like this development!

Think you can pull some strings and get me one of them jobs?

Anyway, that’s not what this little article is about. This article is a “Question of the Day.” It’s basically an easy way for Jalopnik to increase reader engagement and get two free posts per day — one question and one that basically lists your answers in slideshow form. We get one pageview per slide, so this

The Yukon Denali is the Escalade without the chrome lipstick.  Best pick.

At least the dead deer are far more predictable than the living ones.

I know what that feels like. I got wedged in the canal, and the doctor had to use forceps to grab my head and pull me out. I had a lumpy head for the first six months of my life.


Oof. That steering wheel. Way too Accord.

This is less than half the price of a clean title equivalent.

Yes, we live in an era in which feeling righteous and scoring points against the other side is far more important than taking meaningful action.

Not building new highways, but maintaining the ones we have to a higher standard.

Worst part about Virginia is they issue tickets for radar detector use, not to mention arrest for 20mph over the limit(standard in many areas). I avoided VA on my last road trip for these reasons

VA... where they’ll arrest you for merely possessing a radar detector. 

You ain’t wrong. Grew up in VA. Moreso: grew up in NoVA. “Good evening officer. What seems to be the problem?”

I live in Ohio anbd I concur about speeding enforcement. The cops will usually give you 5mph over before you get pulled over, except at the end of the moth or during major holidays. Has anyone mentioned Brock Yates old joke about the death penalty for speeding in Ohio. Don’t give those road Nazis any ideas.

I’m trying to figure out what you’ve described that’s actually different from blue states? 

The persistent underinvestment in, and hence poor condition of our roads.

Better door gaps than a Tesla

The interior looks like it was finished by a guy using up materials left over from fixing his pontoon boat.