
I was going to say Super Duty trucks, because they are boringly competent at everything they do, but hold a sweet spot in my heart for being so good at just about any automotive task imaginable. But then you said:

NP, but oof, those plastics inside. Not quite Fisher-Price, but Hewlett-Packard at best.

I have some Hella high/lows on my Miata and its definitely prevented at least a couple accidents. Mostly lifted trucks merging or changing lanes and not looking. A train horn might be overkill, but the Hellas are loud enough to hear at least.

This will probably be a big car shopping weekend because approximately 76 million cars on the eastern half of the US were sunk under water this week. 

My intuition says this is still going to be a big car buying weekend anyway, just because people would much rather believe things are the same as ever when they, y’know, aren’t.

Car shopping sounds like a horrible way to spend your labor day, or any weekend for that matter. I am going to enjoy my 9yr old, but fully paid off truck by tow the boat to the lake instead!

“Deriving joy, or even basic ambivalence, in the face of other people dying, is not a point of view worth humoring.”

Lol wtf is this attitude? In my opinion, the thing that made Jalopnik special was the community and the conversation with the readers. Your combativeness doesn’t really lend to continuing a conversation. 

If you’re getting passed on the right, maybe you’re in the wrong lane.

Around Boston, until the traffic came back (though the problem drivers still exist where the traffic isn’t), it’s a mix of people driving like they’re looking to recreate the last scene from “Vanishing Point” or dangerously slow and frightened/indecisive/confused (and probably driving a CRV). The latter category are

I was talking about the $ after the number plus the addition of the word “dollars” after it lol

A 5,000 pound vehicle crashing into a 2500 pound one is significantly more likely to kill the driver of the smaller car.

A that price you could drive it for a few years, enjoy it, and sell it for what you paid. That in line 6 is not going to give you any trouble and everything is dead simple.

Yes, but the 5000 lb vehicle driver is more likely to survive. Which isn’t a defense of the trend. Just a biproduct.

And, once again, I don’t care if someone dies from not wearing a seatbelt. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

We all have to work together to help drive these numbers down again.

Now imagine all these drivers with electric car acceleration...

None, those trends were well established already. This spike started in early 2020, whereas SUVs existed before then. 

This is directly related to nearly everyone’s lack of respect for their “other man,” be it on the roads, or in any other aspect of human interaction.